Did you know you could use packaging that glows in the dark. There are now ecofriendly glow in the dark packaging options made from materials that are bioluminescent.
These types of different packaging experiences offer a variety of experiences, and really helps with reducing the eco footprint you’re trying to put out. Here, we’ll go over how this type of packaging can really stand out, and also get rid of the glow in the dark waste that happens.
How this Works
Some plants are bioluminescent, which is a fancy word for emitting light. So yes, it offers a glow when embedded in the packaging.
Seaweed is one example, as you can use various coatings and the bioluminescence of some strains to emit light. The same is true for bacteria, which also emits light.
All of this is done naturally, without the use of electricity. It’s pretty cool, but is kind of a new type of packaging experience, as most of the packaging that’s used does not have the capabilities for such just yet.
Who Uses this
Anyone who does deliveries at night benefits from this. If you’re trying to track deliveries at night, you’ll want to use this, because it helps with properly ensuring that the items get to their correct locations.
The same goes for tracking emergency supplies, especially those that are going to sensitive locations. A lot of times, with this type of tracking, you need something bright, and this bioluminescence can offer such a thing.
Finally, a lot of brands use this because of the aesthetics of bioluminescence. It looks cool and seems cool, so when you’re able to harness that power of cool, it really stands out.
While not fitting for all brands, it can prove beneficial for some that are looking to really enhance their brand presence.
The benefits
Many times, this type of packaging is used because it reduces the reliance on lighting that’s battery powered. Batteries are not sustainable, and by ensuring that you’re using these less, you’re able to craft a better experience.
It also enhances the overall product visibility of the item, making it appear better than it would otherwise.
Finally, it improves the brand experience and makes it truly unique. Think about how many times you’ve had packaging that literally glows in the dark. Not all that often, right?
If you’re a brand that uses outdoor gear or anything where you can use bioluminescence in order to stand out, then it’s recommended that you do it. you owe it to yourself to ensure that thee bioluminescence of the item improves product visibility, and makes the brand experience all the better.
The future of This Product
With bioluminescence, there’s a lot of growth to be had. Some of this is a new subject, with a lot of different factors that might not be present otherwise.
However, some companies are tackling bioluminescence with AI enhancements. What that means is that there’s still the bioluminescence that’s there, but also uses AI in order to; make it stand out, adopting the brightness based on what the surroundings have to offer. Again, it’s pretty cool, as it offers a different way of looking at things, and enhances your brand on so many different levels.
With bioluminescent becoming a popular subject, you’ll be able to, with this, provide the utmost enhancements that you can. consider these, and try to make it so that, no matter what happens, your packaging is seen, and regarded as different from the rest, but also far more sustainable than the alternatives as well.