Plastic Packaging Bags: A Win/Win

When it comes to packaging and shipping, it would behoove us not to forget about plastic packaging bags. These might seem like an inconsequential byproduct, but without them there wouldn’t be so much a point of packaging or shipping what we are trying to work with. For instance, those coffee beans you’ve invested your life savings into growing, you wouldn’t just throw a handful of beans in a box and send them on their way.

Can you imagine buying some supposed home-grown, one-of-a-kind, best-coffee-beans-in-the-world but they are just floating around in a box? No way! You would absolutely want to put them in a coffee bag. I suppose you’ve never thought of coffee bags as plastic packaging bags before, but they really are. At you can buy them in half-pound or one pound sizes, and in brown or white.

Packaging Bags

If you don’t think you need them because you aren’t mailing anything, think again. If you have a local coffee shop, you are still going to be selling those beans. I highly doubt you would want to be putting them in little sandwich baggies. I don’t think anyone would buy a specialized product like coffee beans if the proprietor didn’t take their product seriously enough to even package them appropriately. Or at least I wouldn’t. I’d buy a home-made rice krispies treat in a plastic baggie. Not so much some coffee beans.

How about the very opposite end of the spectrum: electronics. That is about as opposite as you can get from coffee beans, right? You need very specific plastic packaging bags for electronics. Once again, the throwing-in-a-box analogy: you don’t just throw circuit boards in a box and send them on their way. There would be no point in spending the money on shipping. You might as well just throw your money right into the trash can. You will absolutely want static shielding bags. sells them open-ended, or ziploc style. These are a very cool addition to the family plastic packaging bags. Somehow, these bags are designed to not produce static electricity. Static electricity can easily damage sensitive material. At you can get the static shielding plastic packaging bags in really little (3 X 5) or in pretty big (14 X 18). That’s small enough for a watch, and big enough for a lap top.

I encourage you to invest in those seemingly inconsequential byproducts, so that your product can be treated the way it is meant to be treated, and can be sold the way it is meant to be sold. It’s a win/win.