This weekend was certainly a lot of work at my house. We decided to start cleaning out our garage after the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a long time since our State got back to any kind of normal but since we are all able to go back to work just about as usual we are finding that going out and doing normal things again is happening too. That means that housework is getting back to normal and we found that our garage was riddled with Amazon packages. It was just wrong and it was filling up our garage. Now we know we needed to organize and move a lot of things from our garage to our shed, and this was the time to do it.
This all started out with us having to clean out a shed that we had never used. It was filthy because the tenate who lived at out home kept a dog in there and never cleaned anything. So with a shovel, broom, and preasurized hoze we went to town with bleach. It took a few hours to clean and to dry but once we were done we were able to start taking all the filled cardboard boxes from the garage and move them into the shed. This took many hours to get it all sorted and filled up but it left us with a good amount of space in our garage. Then we had to decide what to do with the insane stack of Amazon packages and how to best get rid of them.

We first tried to fill them with things and move them to the shed. We did this for what we could but we still had a pile several feet long and many feet tall of cardboard boxes in our garage. It was really hard to figure out what to do because we didn’t want to simply put these in the trash. The next issue is that we are only able to recycle one trash can at a time and all these packages were simply not going to fit. We tried just stacking some in the can, but that would literalyl take a year to recycle that way and we knew we were going to have to start breaking them down.

So first we started to break them down with out hands and we ran into trouble. Those massive staples in some of the packages were simply too tough to overcome. That left us with a sad feeling and our hands were in pain trying to overcome the stress. So we then decided that we needed to get scissors to break them down and get them into the can as neatly as possible. We each got through one box before our hands were red and about to start blistering. That was a bad idea, but we decided a knife was the answer. So I went into my fishing kit and got out a nice fixed blade knife.
This fixed blade had a great rubber handle and was made of a good stainless steel to deal with fish and water without rusting. It was a fallkniven f1 knife and it went through the packages really well. So the next time you run into the same issue as us you now know what to do and how to recycle them all safely and quickly.