Ever since I was little, baking has always been a huge passion of mine. My mother would always treat my sisters and me to amazing baked goods. From cookies, cakes, pastries, pies, and other delectable treats, my mom could do it all. Consequently, I picked up baking really naturally during the later part of my childhood. The first things I started baking were mainly cookies because they are the easiest. Then I moved onto more complicated things like cakes and pies. Cakes and pies are a bit harder to bake because they involve a lot of accurate timing during the bake. In addition, it also requires a steady hand to meticulously measure ingredients and make sure the measurements are correct.
One of the best parts about baking is being involved with family and friends. Not only is it nice to be able to share an activity with loved ones, but giving away baked goods as gifts for others is so rewarding. I frequently would head down to my neighbors’ house after a long afternoon of baking and give them various types of cookies that I had made. They really loved what I made!
Getting the right ingredients for your baking is just as important as the actual baking itself. I remember going to the store with my mom to pick out different ingredients for a certain recipe. For cookies, we loved to buy different types of chocolates and candies to put together. Oatmeal raisin cookies with chocolate chips are particularly delectable. Walking down the grocery store’s isles and taking in all the different types of ingredients can be overwhelming; the different colored candy boxes and smells of chocolate and brown sugar can attack your senses. However, if you make sure you know what the recipe calls for, you can be in and out of the store very quickly! As you are checking out, be sure to use paper bags instead of plastic ones. Plastic bags are harmful to the environment and will sit much longer in landfills than paper ones. Paper bags are also very reusable for trash cans, picnics, and any other case in which you may need a bag! Now it is time to head home. Don’tDon’t forget anything at the store as you leave! Maybe even stop at Starbucks for a coffee on the way home – you deserve it!
Once you have your ingredients back at home, it’s time to start baking. Like I said earlier, baking cookies is relatively simple and does not involve too much complicated or strenuous baking procedures. Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, butterscotch, m&m, and monster cookies are all great options! I personally love oatmeal cookies without the raisins. Adding in some candy never hurts. Make sure to gather your ingredients, including all your candy boxes, and start baking as soon as you get home. That way, your cookies will be ready to treat your friends and family as quickly as possible!

Baking truly does bring you closer together with your loved ones. As I stated earlier, baking is something that my mom and I can do together to remain close and stay in contact with each other. However, baking is always a great activity to take part in with friends or romantic partners! In high school, I very much enjoyed baking with my friends after school and bringing cookies to share with my classmates the next day. As far as hobbies go, baking is easy to get into, inexpensive, and something you can do with the people you love!