Fashion and Food Marketing 

When you’re marketing food, you probably don’t think about fashion. But this is a n alliance that’s yielded some amazing results, and it’s combined two of the most popular Italian excellences out there.  This is a multisensory form for packaging with different samples that are framed for the food experience.

One example of this is the Grisbi. This is a unique packaging that was found by Matile Vincenzi, which launched a limited type of Grisbi biscuit that’s targeted to the counter segment that’s refrigerated, and this is similar to the Kinder and Ferrero items. The different variants that were proposed included hazelnut, lemon, and coconut. The packaging itself did need to faithfully, and from there reflect that freshness within the managed to do so. Through the illustrations and the photography that stimulated the senses and showcases the icy coating within these different packages. 

There was also the wild variant, which was famed by adding a leopard-print insert in a  more animal style to this.  the logo was changed into a more enticing sort of means, creating a poetic license that only very well established brands can pull together.

It also helped highlight the refined vanilla flavor that they wished to highlight. 

This success opened the door to other kinds of ideas. There were different, customizable items that culminated into a much more refined sort of variant of the most famous type of biscuit within Italy. This is elegant, and offers a spiciness to this, and an accent that’s further enhanced through the Passion payoff. The darker purple along with the pinker tones do dominate all of this. This illustration does depict a sophisticated, almost intriguing lace on this Grisbi package.  The main target for this one was female buyers, who are more emotionally, and palatal engaged, and it does create a desire to indulge in the gluttony of these treats. 

This limited edition ended up also having an exceptional sort of packaging design.  They were designed by two professionals.  One difference with this one compared to the previous packaging items, is that there was a vertical box with a model that was dressed in the “like a virgin” Madonna outfit that was put on the cover.  While it was not the first initial time that fashion embraced food, it stood out.  Another example of this was the packaging used for Magnum Algida, which used Dolce and Gabbana to work together.  It was an amazing package, with graphics that dominated this.  that, combined with the typical Sicilian carts added to this, it became a modern essential. Topping it off with the gold finishing and a vintage accent, this offered a must-have for those who liked history, and fashion together. 

Barilla is another one that uses this.  They did a bunch of experiments, and have tried to create iconic, interesting packaging. One is the pink pasta box that’s used to celebrate the GCDS, which is a streetwear that is LGBT supportive.  This is unusual for the realm of food packaging, but it does stand out, and the packaging does scream from any sort of supermarket shelf. 

Then there was Fendi, which was a fashion house that created an invitation for their latest catwalk through working with Rummo pasta in a more branded means. This was a synergistic meeting that beat the expectations of the critics. It was an initiative that offered mutual benefit to others, especially in terms of newsworthiness, and equity that’s there too.

So yes, fashion and food do go together, and there are many examples in this alone that showcase the fun that comes with these unique products. 

Packaging reduction for sustainability 

Packaging is something that lots of people are looking to change. A lot of people are looking for a sustainable sort of plan, in order to reduce that environmental footprint. This can also aid with meeting the demands of the attentive customers which are there. It also can help with being eco friendly. Here, we’ll go over why this is important, and why it’s good for purchasing choices. 

The Manifesto 

This Wellness Manifesto pushed by Kellogg, is something that’s a focus on being sustainable, while also being socially responsible.  It’s something that also limits hunger within the world too.

There are now recyclable packages for pringles.  This is something that’s become a pilot project, but now works on a global level. 

By 2025, Kellogg plans to reduce all of their current packaging in order to make it either reusable, compostable, or recyclable. 

Their New Boxes 

One thing that they’ve also managed to do is reduce the packaging. They got creative designing this packaging in order to focus on the reduction, the reusing, and the recycling of said materials. Due to the reduction of the cardboard that’s used to package these cereals, and also shrinking the bag internally. This actually reduces the plastic and paper that’s used in the environment, and it releases hundreds of tons less of the plastic that’s there. 

From the design of the packaging viewpoint, the novelty of the band that’s at the top shows that it’s sustainable, especially in the packaging.  In that center part near the red Ka, there’s now a band that points out the supply of different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are there too. 

The company has released a key statement on this here people do demand rightfully more from companies such as that. Everyone expects the food to be the same. They’re working to resonate the product a bit wider with the box contents. Their goal is to minimize that environmental impact, while also preserving and protecting the food in the best ways that they possibly can.

For many companies, this reduction doesn’t mean a lessening of the content that’s inside, but instead it reduces the amount of filler and packaging that’s being used. 

What This Means 

What this means for a lot of their packaging, is you’ll start to see them phase out the current boxes in favor of shorter, maybe a little bitter, and more eco friendly packaging. The plastic inserts that are inside are going to be changed, and many times, people will be able to get a more sustainable sort of box and bag.

The boxes, of course, are made from cardboard, which is being changed to a more recycled kind of product, which offers a better way for you to get the most that you can with this.

You want to make sure that, with this, you optimize the packaging to these different sizes. The spaces that are empty, too much packaging, and the usage of less items.  This is something that’s great too.

Most people do not want spaces that are empty, or having too much packaging, especially if the materials are not sustainable. This is because, when you do that, you’re going to create packaging that’s going to be a problem over time. What you need to do is to design a packaging that’s fitting for your needs. By creating prototypes that you can try out, and from there, seeing if this is right for you, you’ll be able to get top-level packaging for a great price,  and it’ll fit your packaging needs as well. 

Why You Need Packaging Customization 

The customization of packaging, especially when it comes to digital printing and the cost effectiveness of packaging, we’re now seeing more and more than ever before. 

This isn’t just personalization that’s based on the personas for a few users. 

We’re looking more at the tailor made solutions for packaging to the customers, which speak to and engage the public at large. 

This is crazy because right now, with the changes that happened as a result of the COVID pandemic, we’re now seeing new and different means for customization.  Abaci shortbread cookies have changed their coloring to a pale blue that reminds us of scrubs. There is now a stethoscope that’s next to the cookie.

Barilla, which is responsible for launching emotional spots during the lockdown process, wants many professionals to embrace this, especially as the fight for this continues.

This new aspect has started to create a difference in the way that the relationships and lifestyle products are out there. There are now companies offering tailor made biscuits made for others, conveying a chance for you to send out the different cookies to others.  The romantic and beautiful graphics. Has created a unique means for you to build this.

There are also different companies offering cookie packages that allow the users to tweak this for every single occasion.  Mulino Bianco lets you create cookie packages that are embellished for Christmas graduations, and even birthdays. 

The practice sure isn’t new, but coca Cola, along with Nutella have also started to do something with this. Ferrero is another one that’s started to offer custom pictures of their choice that’s printed on the kinder bars that they send, creating an iconic and unique means to create a customized package.

Chiara Ferrgni also used her power within the realm of social media in order to immortalize Leone her son on the snacks, as this was one of his favorites. We don’t know whether or not Ferrero is doing this for everyone, but there are opportunities that are going to be seized with the usage of such. 

Milka chocolate also has a tray box that allows you to print the name of this over the front, offering a message that’s personalized, good for softening the hardest hearts out there. 

There are so many different ways to do this. The realm of package customization has started to change the way that people take care of things. With personalization, especially for large and limited runs, you can do this.

The personalization of these products provides the necessary means and solutions to get the most from this. along with flexibility, experience, and finally convenience, it offers a fun way for you to get everything you can.

By creating prototypes, and then creating buzz surrounding all of these campaigns, the result won’t take too long to get here.

With that said, the next thing you should do as a packaging manufacturer is to look at all of the different customized solutions. There are so many fun and unique means to do this, and a lot in which can change the game for a lot of people.

If you think you don’t need customized packaging, think again. There are now more ways than ever before for you to get the most out of this. For a lot of people, the onset of this type of packaging has changed the way that you’re able to boost this. through the usage of this customized packaging, you get the experience that you wish for, and the one that offers a lifetime of different benefits for you to utilize. 

Why Inclusive Packaging is a Must 

A lot of companies are moving to inclusive packaging, which is one that’s less focused on specific traits that genders have, and more on some unisex options for design.

This is something that’s taken personal care products and other worlds by storm. You’re seeing it with slimming options, protein bars, and the like. In the past, these used to be a female focused product, but now, we have them for anyone really. 

There are some sociological reasons as to why people want this, and a lot of brands are acknowledging this.  This is why, before you make any changes on a superficial level to the packaging that you have, you should look at the different changes that you can incorporate there.

Trying to fool the customers by just adjusting a few colors is not a smart move, because they won’t react the way that you expect. 

Why Inclusive Packaging 

This is something that’s actually rewarding and great.

For decades, women made the majority of different purchases, so there is a tendency to create messages and images that are female focused. With more involvement by men in the decisions of purchasing, this has changed the paradigm.  Adapting to this is also good for positioning yourself in a way where you won’t’ lose the customers that you’ve managed to include. 

Simple, but powerful.

What does this look like for the most part? How can a brand make sure that their packaging this this mark?

Most experts do agree that it’s less about gender, but more on the visuals, and the messages that drive the purchase in order to create the ultimate success for this.

You usually have to look beyond subjectivity on the general neutral aspects. 

The best way to win over people with gender neutral packaging is going minimal. What that means is, have a lot of white space, limit the color usage, and also keep all of this simple. 

You want to also look at the hallmarks of your brand. This is good, because it takes it away from the characteristics of the people that might be buying it, and instead, you as a brand.

Having faithfulness or a palette that’s established while also showing off your personality, keeping gender and other delineations out of it, is a great approach.

A lot of times, you also want to avoid specific colors that are very gender focused. Pink for instance, might not be something that you wish to use, because pink is usually associated with females. If you’re trying to create a gender-friendly product solution, you’ve got to look past this.

The best way to ensure that your packaging is gender neutral is to work with a packaging expert to help you with this. this can change the identity that’s there. you can choose different ranges and even various models that come with this. you can from there, test and adjust this as needed to create the correct packaging that you need.

Once you’ve created the correct packaging for you to try out, you want to then also have it sent out to a test audience. This can be good for a lot of adjustments as needed. Your packaging may still be too focused on one gender over the other. This can tell you everything that you need to know.

Adjust the packaging as needed, and if you’re someone who sells personal care products, consider going to more gender neutral and inclusive packaging. That way, you can create a quality item that people love, without having to rely on specific colors and other delineations for the packaging needs. 

Labeling for Packaging in 2023 

Labeling for your packaging is now becoming a big thing, with Italy introducing a new sustainability indication for this.  this is an initiative that aims to offer customers a transparent and better understood packaging makeup.  These novelty additions promote better choices and better attention to the impact of the items that we’re buying. 

The Criteria 

There is now new criteria that’s being used within Europe in order to label their packaging. It considers different systems of packaging based on different characteristics.

It starts initially from the environmental impact that’s there during the transport, production, and the disposal and use up of this.

The goal of this is for customers to compare these packages, choosing the ones that are more virtuous. 

This type of labeling is mandatory for the package that are marketed within Italy, regardless of the material that it’s made up of.  You will find this label on cardboard, aluminum, plastic, and even glass along with other items.

The labels on This 

There are now new labels to be used on this.

First, you’ve got the packaging ID, which is the logo, and the name of the distributor.  This is the name, and the ID number of this.

There are also tips for disposal, which is used to show the best way to dispose of this packaging, whether it’s through recycling, or just normal garbage disposal means. 

Then there is the declaration of conformity. This is a declaration that the assessment is able to comply with the Decree on Environmental Packaging provisions for labeling. 

There is no order that’s specific for this information. However, it must always be there, and must be in a way that’s readable.  This label must be made using non-technical and simpler language, so it’s easier for you to grasp.  We also advise you, however, to look at the practices that the reference production sector offers.  This is vital, as it allows buyers to compare the different labels immediately, and effectively for your own personal needs as well. 

The France Situation 

France is a little different, as this topic is actually already regulated that was introduced in July of 2010.  This is known as the Grenelle II law.  

This labeling in France is actually slightly different, and it’s based on the compatibility, objectivity, and the transparency of the products.

A lot of makers now need to offer some complete and clear information on the impact of the services and the products, so that the consumers are able to compare these products, choosing the one that’s best for them, and harms your ecosystem the least in a lot of cases.

The labeling must also be objective, and furthermore based on scientific data that’s reliable as well. 

If you don’t comply with this, there are actually fines for this, and it can also show that your package violates this.

For instance, there are fines, which can be up to 2000 euros for each violation. 

For the ones that are much larger and far more severe, the distributor may be subjected to product banning on the packages that are compliant directly on the market.  This may also cause it to be seized, especially if the infringement is far more severe in most cases.

The labeling of this is essential for sustainability along with the transparency that’s there, directed to your customers. Having green packaging is vital in this day and age, to the point where other companies are asking for it. so, if you’re not sure whether or not you’re free to do this, make sure that you have the means to adjust to regulations when possible.