Moving With Ease: The Three Step Method

When it comes to moving effectively and efficiently, more thought should be placed on the ease of the actual moving rather than on time consumption and physical labor. Below are outlined three of the most insightful techniques to make the process of moving a very easy one indeed.
Step One-Plan, Prepare and Strategize.
With this step, you simply enjoy a warm evening with just a writing pad, some ink pens (or pencils if you prefer), and you write out the following days plans. Be sure to include all the help you have and make sure to delegate the most strenuous tasks to those who are more physically able to handle them. Preparation is key to easy moving, so knowing who will be there, where things will go, and how the process will work will make the following day’s events so much easier. To strategize in advance makes no room for error, miscalculations, etc. You will have imagined every possible mishap beforehand and made the necessary adjustments on paper to deal with them.
Step Two-Incite, Invigorate, and Explicate.
This step involves the ability to whip the team into a moving frenzy by the most effective means at your disposal. If your team consists of teenagers, have the pizza and sodas ready along with the music of the times. Make sure to allow them the liberty to use headphones if need be. With this step, you will focus on invigorating your moving team with a sense of unity, pride, and togetherness in the grandest way possible. Next will be the explicating. Sometimes this may consist of creating a sense of unity amongst the movers or even making the destination an ethereal land of gold to be obtained by all involved. This can be accomplished by mentioning the after party once the moved is completed, or by letting everyone know that prizes will be awarded upon completion of the move. Be sure that this step does not involve the actual payout for labor. This is a bonus that will invigorate even the laziest of movers. Extravagance rules the day.
Step Three-Execution, Observation, and Relaxation.
With this step comes action, the execution. This is easily done with the most effective items all movers need…cardboard boxes. To move without cardboard boxes is to eat without food, they are mandatory. The execution must be done with all sorts of boxes that have been labeled during step one with careful planning and strategizing. Once the team starts the move, you must then observe that all your ideas are being carried out and that no stone is left unturned.
This would mean making sure that all the boxes go where they are supposed to and the preordained items are in the preordained packages. Sometimes things will get misplaced if the observation is not carried out. Sometimes observation makes workers uncomfortable, so this step must be carried out in stealth or with the sense of teamwork but having a careful eye at the same time. The last part of this step is the most enjoyable part, the relaxation. Whatever plan you have to show the workers that the work performed was well appreciated, that is up to you. But do it in the spirit of rest and relaxation.
These are three steps to make moving a pleasant experience.

Creating a Beautiful Candy-Shaped Box

Creating a box is a great pastime for young and old alike. It is an art in itself, and crafts makers are trying to innovate how a box looks like. A candy-shaped box is an example of this innovation in box making, and the project would be a nice activity for those who are inclined to doing crafts.

After finishing the project, the box could serve as candy boxes, with treats being placed inside to be used by children of all ages. Making a candy-shaped box is easy, and all you have to do is to prepare the materials that will be used in the project and follow the instructions carefully. The candy-shaped box would need colored papers, scissors, cutter, tape, glue, ribbons, and confetti. Follow the procedure below to create a vibrant looking candy-shaped box:

  1. Take the colored papers and using a cutter or a scissor, try to create patterns and designs on its surface. Cut the designs and puncture holes that would serve as an additional design for the project.
  2. Carefully cut the edges of the colored paper, and make sure that the other one would have a planar edge and the other one would have a spikier edge. It would help to make the candy-shaped box easier to open and close.
  3. Fold the colored papers into four equal parts, and make sure that small space would be left out. This is where the tape or the glue will be applied, to ensure that the candy-shaped box will be steady and it will not rip apart.
  4. Apply a strong tape or clue to the edges of the candy-shaped box. Make sure that no space will be left behind because it might result in the project breaking apart.
  5. Create a beautifully designed motif that will be placed in the center of the candy-shaped box. Use a white paper with printed designs, or any other colored paper that would enhance the color of the project’s body. Try to use the color wheel to gain an insight as to what color complements the other.
  6. Get some ribbons and wrap it around the candy-shaped box. Make a good looking knot that would enable the edges of the candy-shaped box to close tight.
  7. Put the gifts or any other items on the other edge of the candy-shaped box. You can also add confetti or any other design inside the candy-shaped box.
  8. Seal off the project by putting another ribbon on the opposite edge.

After the project has been finished, what you will be is an adorable candy-shaped box. These boxes can be used as a container for a gift, or as a design at home. This type of boxes can also be given away on all occasions, and kids would surely love its design.

Artists and people who tend to stay at home should spend time learning new hobbies, and creating boxes are one of the best things to do to express your creativity. There are also a lot of websites available online that would give a free tutorial to those who wanted to learn more artworks. Box making has been around for so long, and now that technology has become better, boxes with complex designs are now possible to build. However, someone who is making boxes should keep in mind to keep extreme patience.

Quick and easy moving tips

Finding a new place can be exciting but it the excitement ends as soon as you start thinking of all the crap you have to pack up. It is easier to leave the packing until the last minute but that will just give you more headache on moving day. Here are a number of tips you can use to make moving easier.

Start early

If you wish to move within the next month or two, do not leave the process till the last five days. If you pack up in a hurry there is a high risk of forgetting important items or even damaging some of them. The first thing you should do is come up with a to-do-list of what should be accomplished every week without fail.

Figure out your moving strategy

Your moving strategy will depend on the distance between your current location and your new location. If the distance is short, you can gather up a few friends to help you move. Having friends help you move can help you save some cash. If the distance is short you can also move small items every day, that way you will have fewer items to move on the main moving day. However, if the distance is long it becomes a complicated issue. You need to hire movers. You have to research to find a professional moving company. There are so many moving companies, but you have to find a reputable company with positive reviews. They should also have the resources to make your move easy.

Organize your items

When packing, you will be surprised at the number of items you have accumulated over time. You will have so many items in the house that you no longer use. You can take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of some items. Organize your stuff depending on what you want to keep, what to give to charity and what you can sell. For what you can sell organize a yard sale, you will get some cash from the yard sale to assist with the moving budget.

Take inventory

For a comfortable move, get some boxes to pack all your items. As you pack items in the boxes take inventory. It helps to have a spreadsheet of all the items in each box. This can come in handy if something goes missing. Also label each box on the side, this will help when you are unpacking the boxes. You will know exactly where everything is and where each box will go.

Be ready for the movers

It does not matter whether you hired professional mover or it is your family and friends helping you. Unless you have hired packers, you need to pack up everything in the house. If you have a family you need to keep them informed, it avoids disorganization on the moving day. Moving can be particularly hard for children, telling them what is expected of them will prevent them from being a disruption on the moving day.

On the moving day do not forget to treat the movers. You are not required to but it is a gesture of kindness. Have some food and drinks ready for them, moving can be quite tiresome. The other thing is have some tipping money after they have moved your items.

Making A Delightful Gift Box From Scrapbook Paper

Making a nice gift box out of scrapbook paper is easy. The little gifts that fit in a small box are great. The idea is unique and comes from the heart. The gift is simply wrapped with something thoughtful and handmade. The final result is inexpensive, hand crafted and personalized. All that is required to begin are two pieces of thick, pretty scrapbook paper. One will be used for the base and the other for the lid. Once the scrapbook paper has been acquired get something nice to put in the box. This can be candy, small toys, a nice gift, etc.

Thick scrapbook paper works the best. This is also available with a nice velvety finish. If extra thickness is required two pieces can be glued together. The best size for the paper is a twelve inch square. Most scrapbook paper is already this size but some is a bit longer. Trim the paper to the right size. This is much easier with a paper cutter. The twelve inch square makes nice four inch square candy boxes.

Draw an X right across the backside of the scrapbook paper. Make sure it goes from corner to corner. Fold in all four sides until the paper is in a diamond shape and all four sides meet in the middle. Unfold the bottom and top folds but leave the rest folded. Now fold the right and left sides in on themselves to they meet at the center line. Take the sheet and unfold everything. Fold the bottom corner up towards the center.

Snip the corner. The fold now needs to be cut but only to the corner’s edge. Just follow the folded line but only to the edge of the snipped corner. Turn the paper and do the same thing on the other side. This side should be snipped as well. The tips on the flaps should now be turned down. The snips will leave a little flap part. The top part of this should be folded down. Do the same for both snipped sides. What is needed are these creases.

Release the small flap because this is only for creasing the corners and sides of the box. There is a small flap part that looks like a little side triangle. This will be secured with glue. A glue stick will work very well. This is the inside of the box. The little flap on the right must be glued as well. There should now be two pointy pieces pointing at the center that have been glued down. Wrap the edges so the pointy pieces are covered. Turn the box and fold over the flap. Glue down the flap.

Repeat the same steps for the bottom of the box except trim two of the sides to 1/8 inch. This will enable the bottom to fit under the top of the box. Once the same steps are completed the bottom should fit nicely under the top of the box. Place a little trinket, treat or treasure in the box. Cover this with some pretty tissue paper. The box can be filled with almost anything including baked goods, candy, small toys for the kids, jewelry, creams and soaps. If the box is lined with wax paper it is excellent to send home any leftovers.

Tips to make Your Move Easy

Let’s face it–moving can be a pain whether you are moving across town or across the country. Here are 13 things to do to make your move simple, easy, and less stressful for you.

1. Get Organized ASAP
Unless you are moving immediately, you typically have one to two months to move out of your current place. Take time to itemize what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by. The more work you put in at the beginning the easier the move will be.

2. Figure Out the “How”
You know you’re moving, but how are you planning to do it? Do you need to hire a moving crew? Contact family and friends? Rent a moving van? Deciding this can help you better organize things before moving day.

3. Communicate
If you hire movers, make sure they know what day and exactly what time to be there and what they are in charge of moving and what your expectations are.

4. The Purge
Take advantage of this chance to go through all the clothes in the back of your closet and items under the bed. Toss out or donate the things you no longer need or use. Consider making some money by selling lightly used furniture online.

5. Establish a System
Create a system to keep track of what was in each room and where it was packed. This make the move and unpacking easier.

6. Consider Reusable Bins
Cardboard boxes seem to be the face of moving, but reusable bins can be a better alternative. These can be reused once you move, used to store things in, and are more sturdy to hold things during the move.

7. Use Local Sources
No need to spend money on a couple boxes to accommodate for other items–start collecting free cardboard boxes from your local grocery store. Keep in mind smaller boxes are easier to carry and can fit in doors better.

8. Take Inventory
If you are hiring a moving company, take careful inventory of what they will be moving so nothing goes unaccounted for in the move.

9. Label
Label every box on every side. Also, include what room it came from and will go to in your new house. This wills save you when you go to unpack.

10. Utilize Space
If you have trunks for decoration or suitcases, use that space to put things in.

11. Create a Moving Day Bag
This could include cleaning supplies, change of clothes, snacks, and toiletries.

12. Check the Trash
Try to avoid packing things in trash bags, but if you must, be sure to check trash bags before throwing them out. There’s no need to throw out all your towels!

13. Say Thank You
Treat those who helped you move to a treat or meal to thank them for their hard work.

These 13 simple tips can make your move less stressful and help you stay organized in the midst of all the chaos.