Moving from Florida

Recently I moved back from Florida, and in order to do so, I needed a lot of cardboard boxes in order to keep all my items together and in one place. There were a few challenges that I faced along the way, but I was sure to overcome them. I am not one to let an obstacle stop me from moving forward. I am glad to be back home and around my family and friends, but I do miss the Florida heat. I do not like the cold. I have been told it is because I have thin blood. I also think it is because I got used to the heat and just prefer that now. It was hard to find the best boxes for my move, but eventually, I found some. I was lucky enough to get some for cheap and was set. 

Finding out I was going to be moving back home was not an easy decision for me. I loved being down there. I moved down with one of my best friends and a friend of his. I found out when the roommate said he was not going to be living with us next year because I played video games. I wish I were joking when I said that, but it is true. My friend and I were planning on moving into a two bedroom apartment until he found out he had to move back home with his family because of money issues. I understood that, and I decided I would move back home with my family until I got a bit more on my feet. He moved back in with his family down in Florida, and I moved back up to Indiana to live with my family. 

After deciding, I was going to move back to Indiana. I had to find some boxes so I could put all my items in there for safe travel. I did some research to see if I could find a moving company before having to do it myself. Unfortunately, I was not able to find one that could fit my budget and time frame. I decided to move myself, and for that, I needed to get some boxes. I first checked out some stores nearby me and was able to get the Super Target by me to give me some boxes they were going to throw away. 

When I was able to get some free boxes, I was so ecstatic. I went home to pack up, and a few days later, I had to pack up the box truck with all my items and furniture. I had a bed and a desk as well as a lot of clothes and other things. I did not have all that much in comparison to others, but it was still a good amount of items. Luckily I had some very big boxes. 

Moving on your own is not that bad, but it is not the most fun as it is very time consuming and tasking. I was happy that I could get some free cardboard boxes and mainly because they were the size I needed but bigger. It is always recommended that you try and get some boxes for free before you try and buy them. Prices at this time are getting more expensive for cardboard. 

Lindor truffles packaging

There are many different types of candy boxes. Some boxes are just plain boxes, some are over-decorated, and some are just right. I believe that Lindor Truffles, the chocolate company, has some of the best kinds of packaging and chocolates. The few flavors that they provide each have their own particular type of box with unique decorations. I like this candy packaging because it is not too much but also not too little; it is just right, like the Goldilocks story. I love these chocolates. They are delicious and made of high quality materials. 

The red chocolate gets a red packaging. I enjoy how they did this because it makes it more easy to spot the kind of chocolate that you want. The packaging they use is unique as well. I say this because the packaging almost looks like an isosceles triangle. It opens up at the top after you unroll the top of the packaging. The color of the box is also a marketing ploy. They have an open window that allows for you to look in and see all the delicious chocolates gleaming back at you. The color of the box, as mentioned, is a marketing ploy. They use the color so the consumer can quickly identify the truffles they want easily without having to spend much time looking. The easier it is for someone to identify something the consumer likes, the easier it becomes to buy it. 

I personally love these chocolates. There is a variety pack that is gold. The gold, I believe, is done to pop out. As people, we don’t see the color of gold all that much in our day to day lives because it generally represents something expensive. The gold pack of these truffles is their variety pack. This means they have all their different kinds of truffles they have all in one box. I believe that the gold is a good representation of this because you are more or less rich in chocolates. It is a funny way to look at it, but I believe that they are trying to get that across. My favorite truffle they have is the red one or the white one. The red is a milk chocolate, and the white is a white milk chocolate. 

The form of this candy packaging is very unique. It is more or less an isosceles triangle. This shape has been done for a specific reason. It’s not only unique and not like any other candy packaging, but it also makes it more easy to grab the chocolates at the bottom of the packaging. The shape also draws attention to it because of its odd shape. Not many candy packaging are triangles. Thus, it can draw attention to it. 

I like the packaging of Lindor truffles because it is unique. The coloring also helps identify the kind of candy you want more quickly. This can be a good thing for the company as it will make them money. I say this because the candy box packaging is easily identifiable; thus, a consumer will grab it on a whim because it is something they had gotten before and recognized it. The window also is a good feature because the consumer can look into the packaging and see the yummy chocolates looking back at you. 

Getting free boxes

Recently I moved back to Indiana from Florida. The move was relatively easy, but the drive was very long, almost a twenty four hour trip because of the traffic we hit; that was no fun. I was fortunate enough to get the cardboard boxes I needed for free from the local super target, and I was very relieved and happy to have gotten them for free. It’s not every day those local businesses give away their boxes, but I was lucky enough to get some. The move itself was not too bad. I did not have too much to pack up but still needed to get a box truck and car carry. My small Acura TL would not fit all my things. 

One day after finding out I would not be living in Florida anymore, I realized I needed some boxes for my items. I started to do some research to find the best boxes for cheap, but I was struggling to justify the price. I talked to my friend’s parents, and they had the idea of asking local businesses. I almost kicked myself because I had not thought of that nor seen that on the research I was doing. The next day my first stop was at the super target by our apartment. When I walked in, I got excited because everywhere I looked, employees were stocking the shelves; this meant they had boxes to spare. 

I walked to the back where I was looking for some plastic toats for the electronics; I have a custom built PC. I did not want to get hurt, so I thought this would be the best cheap option. Once I found what I believed was the best option, I asked the worker who was right by me if I could have the boxes they were emptying; she kindly told me she would need to speak to her manager and to give her a few minutes. After waiting those few minutes she came back and with a smile she told me I could have all the boxes in her area, she began walking around emptying all the boxes contents on the ground, I kind of felt bad. After only five minutes, I had all the boxes I could need. 

I went home feeling very accomplished. I had gotten four boxes, all big enough for me to climb in! I knew I would not need to worry about space as these boxes were huge. With the moving day approaching, I began to pack some of the boxes with things I knew I would not be needing. It went rather quickly, too, because of the box boxes. I was able to pack up my entire room and still have two boxes left over. A few days later, it was time to pack up the box truck. This was a quick and painless process. 

Getting cardboard boxes can be expensive, but it does not have to be. I was lucky enough to get all the boxes I needed for free, but I know that will not always be the case. I just got very lucky that the day I walked into that super target, they were stocking the shelves. I believe that is the best time to try and ask as most of the time; those boxes will be broken down and thrown away. 

Laser-cut boxes

There are many kinds of candy boxes to use for your company. An excellent and unique type of box is laser-cut boxes. These boxes can have all sorts of different kinds of designs and allow for consumers to see inside the box to see how much product is in it along with the contents. With the passage of time, giving candy as a gift or party favor has become almost commonplace. It is easier to do this as well because getting the right gift can be difficult. With the evolution of technology, it is practically expected to have a fantastic way to present something simple like candy.

Laser-cut boxes are a cool and unique way to display or give candy. The limitless kinds of designs that this work can produce are astounding. This process is not complex, but it does require a laser cutter which most people do not have in their garage. It is a good thing there are companies who offer such a service. The process of making these boxes is not difficult for them. In an application called CAD, or computed assisted design, the maker will choose a template, and the laser will cut it out. Sometimes there will be customs orders. When that happens, the process becomes a bit more in-depth. 

This process can also be custom. Going with this route will be more expensive than getting one that is already made. For this process, you will need to be in contact with a company that provides this service for one. The designer will ask you for some information as to what it is you are interested in having on your boxes. After discussing, the designer will work in CAD to come up with a few designs relative to the ideas you gave them. The unfortunate thing is how you interpret your idea versus how the designer interprets your design can be different views, so that can be a drawback in my opinion. The good thing is that, like all boxes, these boxes can be ordered in bulk, custom or not. 

I have always believed when it comes to ordering boxes going for bulk is the best option. This will save you money down the road and give you more boxes to do projects with. Laser-cut boxes are no different. They, too, can be ordered in bulk, whether it is a pre-made box or a custom cut box. I am sure the price will be more than a bulk order of cardboard boxes. 

As time passes, so too does technology and what we as humans can produce. Custom laser-cut candy boxes seem like a pretty cool way to display your candy if you are a big business with a store. These boxes are also great as party favors as people can see what they are getting, and they look very unique, in my opinion. You can finish off this box with a nicely tied bow on top, and with that, you will have a one-of-a-kind box most people have not seen. If this kind of box was on display and was full of some sort of chocolate, I believe I would buy it in a heartbeat, not only for the sugar but for the crazy box. I personally have not seen any laser-cut boxes like this, but it would be very cool. 

Fun DIY ideas with cardboard.

With covid still plaguing this world, most of us are trapped to the confines of our home. Due to this, many people have been ordering what they need from companies like Amazon and getting it shipped to their door. This is a great resource we have at our disposal because many online retailers have exactly what we need without leaving the comfort of the home. With the ease of shopping comes another great repurposable material, the cardboard boxes that your products arrive in. With this substance, you have the opportunity to let your imagination run free and make something you may need around the house. 

To begin with, instead of going to the store for some shelving containers or organizers you can use this material to make them. It is relatively easy to do and how it looks is entirely up to you. If you so choose, you can leave the box as-is for your organization and container needs. For this project, you will need the box, and that can be the extent of the required materials. On the other hand, if you want to spruce them up, you will need either fabric with spray adhesive or paint. The spray adhesive and fabric are more manageable and will make less of a mess compared to painting. For a little extra flair, use an old belt for a handle and put whatever else you want on the exterior; it’s your project, after all.

Another fantastic idea is to turn the beat-up packaging into a cat scratcher. If you look at the corrugate’s edges, you will see small channels running from edge to edge. You will need to cut this material into even thin strips. Once that is done, stack them together and turn them, so the advantages are verticle; you will be able to see through it. Now come the options. You can either leave it, so it is a long scratchpad. For this, you will need to use an additional piece to wrap it around and make a border hold all the small pieces. The other option is to make a big circle out of the parts. For this, I would recommend laying the pieces out longways so the tops and bottoms are touching. Finally, roll it from one side to the other to make a circle and tape or glue the final bit. There you have it, an excellent cat scratcher from what would be trash. 

The final DIY idea is to make a flower box. For this, you will need to take the excess flaps off from the top. Once that is done, line the inside with a plastic bag but poke small holes into the bottom to allow drainage. After the box is lined, grab your favorite flowers or vegetables and put them in. add the top soli for those roots to grow into, and with that, you’re done—a quick and simple flower box. If you wish to decorate it, feel free!

As you can see, many projects can be done with cardboard boxes. Most of these projects are quick and simple but can provide a big help from your cats taring up your furniture to planting some flowers or vegetables. Although this material is viewed as trash, its uses seem to be limitless. I did not go over everything that can be done with this substance, but I’m sure if you let your creativity flow, you too will come up with something astonishingly helpful.