Going to the Grocery

This year is a little more interesting than others when it comes to shopping.  It is much different this year and that is because rather it mattered or not the world changed.  COVID-19 has occurred this year and it has made some big changes in how the world lives and shops if you live in a first-world country.  The regulations that are now in place have changed and really split apart our country and forced people to do things that are not proven by science.  Where it has affected my family the most is in how we shop.  It is now so much more complicated to go and get your selection of favorite candy boxes from the aisle these days.  Instead, now we have to go through hoops or refuse to leave our home at all. That is why I want to help you get through the craziness of 2020 and to be able to shop well if you are new to this whole scene.

The first thing to know is that rules and regulations are different everywhere.  I am not a practicing lawyer so this is not legal advice, but you should check into the local rules where you live.  This can be done and should be done because you don’t want to get arrested by simply going to the grocery store.  That would be a terrible thing and I have seen police arrest mothers for not masking their children and vice versa.  This is a terrible and scary thing and if you are simply trying to feed your family you need to know the rules.

You can find out your local rules and regulations by getting online most of the time.  Search your state government website for rules and then go to your city and then county websites as well.  Know where your grocery store is and what rules you will have to follow in order to get food.  Sometimes there are time restrictions, and there will almost always be a mask restriction.  It is even possible you are not going to be allowed to bring your children with you.  This can be really hard on some people because they cannot afford a baby sitter. But rest assured once you know the law you can finally get ready to shop.

I would highly suggest simply trying to stay out of people’s ways when you go shopping. Some people are afraid to be touched or to even be within 6 feet of someone else.  Even though they are outside and the virus dies in sunlight, they will still be filled with fear.  It is true that you have a 99.9% chance of surviving if you get the virus aka a more spreadable cold, but it is still worth causing fear over I guess.  So just know that people are going to be on edge. 

I prefer to shop like I don’t see anyone else there. It allows me to not worry about what anyone else is thinking. I like to shop in peace and I can get my food and browse my favorites candy boxes in peace.  That is what I am there to really get any how.  Food to live on is just that, but snacks are forever. So be safe and travel well this year.

Preparing to Shop in 2020

This year I have seen some crazy things happen and that is usually the normal for an election year.  But this year I have seen the legitimate change in how our country works and the way we are allowed to live.  It has finally happened where the individual states have declared a form of Martial Law and are now each ran by a single person with zero accountability to our legislative side.  The fact is that now our legislation is not even attempting to stop the martial law.  This has led to a lot of regulations and limitations put on the citizens of Untied States.  We are now seeing many violations that can put you in prison just by being outside of your home on the wrong time and even for not wearing a piece of clothing.  So when you are preparing for the next grocery store and all the insane lines that will await, I want to help you not get arrested on your way to maybe just get some tastsy candy boxes.

The first thing to know is that every location is regulated differently now in the united states.  If you live on the border of a state and shop in another you may be arrested for simply crossing the border without being medicalyl tested for COVID-19.  This is rather insane, but be careful and know what location you are going to be shopping in.  You must know the law to not be incarserated or fined for simply shopping.  THis doesn’t help your family and it wont help you out either.  So first find the state, then city, and then county you are going to be traveling to and each one you will be traveling through. 

Once you know the locatin of the shopping market you are going to and which locations you will be traveling through you need to know the laws of each.  Some can be drasticalyl different and most likely each will have less common sense illegal laws then the other.  But if you don’t want to fight the police for the possible enjoyment of you favorite candy boxes then you need to follow the law no matter how insane it is.  So go to each website for that locaiton and read their COVID-19 policy and follow it to a tee.  This is indeed a sad thing to have to do simply to go shopping. But if you don’t wear you mask in your own car or pssibly put it on outside before going into a store you could be arrested.  If you shop after 10Pm in some locatino you could be arrested as well.  Martial law has been implimented across the United States and you need to know if that is happening in your shopping location.

classic warehouse with pallet 3d rendering image

Now once you are in the shopping market if you see someone not following the law makes sure they are not a different race than your own.  It is now a prosecutable crime if you accuse a non white individual of breaking the law if you are indeed white.  Racism against all races is now a crime and the fact is that any attempt to call out a non white person in America could put you in prison as well.  At the very least it will get you banned from that store for life

Eight Best Ways To Package your products

Packaging is the art or science of bottling or wrapping goods to prevent damage either as you store or transport them. Different goods are packaged differently according to their shape, perishability, size, or state. Below, find the best ways of packaging your items as per period you wish to store them:

(1)Pizza Packaging


If you are baking your pizzas after a customer has placed an order, it means that the customer will pick the pizza on that specific day. Since you won’t need to store it for long, use a box or a top sheet. During this period of COVID-19 pandemic, use a protective top sheeting for take–and–bake pizzas. If your firm is large and you need to package pizzas to freeze them, then the best item to use here is Polyolefin shrink film. If you plan to store the frozen pizzas for six months or less, a thinner shrink film is the best.

(2)Cookies Packaging

If you are a bakery owner, use some clear tins made of polystyrene, although you can use tins made of other materials. This type of container is easy to label and can be the best item to display your products. For large organizations, tops that peel off and reclose are the best way to package your cookies since this method is cost-effective.

(3)Delicate Products Packaging

If you are packaging the item for shipping, then surround your goods with void fill to minimize their movement, preventing any form of breakage. In case you want to place your goodies at the display, you can use a custom devised packaging or wrap them.

(4)How to pack Electronics

Being an owner of a big and powerful company requires you to use custom packaging to prevent imitations. You can also put an overwrap machine on the corners to ease in folding and sealing packages.

(5)Sticker and Labels Packaging

The best way to package label rolls is to wrap them with shrink film since it protects the labels from unloosening while in transit. As for the stickers packaging, you may use a lip seal bag that can close after removing a sticker. A rigid case with a small slit can also be appropriate for packaging both stickers and labels due to its potency of dispensing as per the required quantity.

(6)Packaging of Liquids

Liquid packaging depends on the type of carrier to be used to transport it. The best packaging method for any carrier is using a shrinking cap over the bottle top and the entire bottle to form a double barrier. If you have a limited shrink film, use a bag.

(7)Dog Treat and Bones Packaging

For large dog bones for sale, use a shrink film because it is easy to stick a label on it, whereas you can package smaller chew sticks with poly bags and easy to fold chipboard containing a hanger hole.

(8)Coffee Packaging

For coffee beans to be stored for long, place them on a bag with a foil lining that acts as a foil barrier, and as a result, your coffee beans remain fresh. If the coffee beans are not meant to stay for long in the storage area, then use poly coating bags to prevent them from drying. For the processed coffee, please put it in metal cans.

Shop for Your Favorite Snack While You Still Can

This year has been a wild ride for many different reasons. 2020 has given us lots of fear and scares all across the nation and especially when it comes to getting your favorite items in.  The COVID-19 Pandemic left our economy in shambles in some areas and getting food for a time was limited and restricted by law all across the nation.  It is all possibly about to kick off again, so if you have a favorite snack that you want to make sure you have for another year, you may want to hop in the car follow your local regulations and pick up a bundle of your favorite candy boxes right now.

If you had not noticed the 2020 election just took place and it is all on the stall.  The possibilities of a peaceful transition to either Trump or Biden is most likely less likely for the public than you would think.  Don’t worry, the government will transition just fine, but the civil unrest that we saw all throughout the year is most likely going to pick up even worse and the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns will likely continue and even get worse.  That is why for the last few months I have been preparing to live off of what I have for a good long time.  There are some items that simply disappeared from shelves for months due to the previous lockdowns and a trucker strike is now taking place.  If this all happens again, make sure you have all the goods and foods that you need. 

My family has a few things that we would like to have in stock for the next year and some of them are not even that important.  I know that having a year’s worth of my favorite candy boxes is not a major priority, but if it helps keep the peace in your family during hard times then it now becomes essential.  It could be as simple as having Snickers in the house for a year.  That could be the difference between despair and happily surviving.  I know it sounds silly but we all need to do what we must in order to live a good life.  There is no reason to be worried or paranoid, but if you are able to store up extra food items in order to be safe and happy and it lowers your anxiety then I think it is indeed very important to do.

It really is incredible to see how our economy can be shut down overnight by legislators who have been proven to be presenting lies and falshoods all across the nation.  That is why I think it sounds silly to stock up, but lies can cause huge shortages and have already destroyed billions of dollars of food and livestock this year due to the dissemination of false information by our government and news outlets. So even if we are not in much of an emergency we could be thrown into an economic stop, where just in time delivery no longer happens and it is simply better to have more prepared than not. 

We have even seen locations due to the unrest in the United States where shipping stopped for months because of lawlessness.  It is sad that it happened, but it is better not have it affect us again if it does again!

Get the Best Package for your Company

The best part of being in the business world is learning about ways to save money.  This can be from time spent on less important things that should be delegated to simply changing tape for your warehouse.  There are so many different ways to be efficient and to start changing the way our company works.  I truly enjoy being apart of victories and understand that our failures and lost money are a reminder about being wise and thinking about all the different areas of being successful.  Lately, with the bonus of eCommerce starting to become one of the biggest sales industries we have been working hard to be successful at shipping our items with the best price and most safe for our clients.  This area is something that we want to really narrow down our costs and possible competitive advantages against our competition. So I just wanted to go over some of the areas that have helped us cut costs and improve our quality.

The first eCommerce section that we ended up changing and lowering costs and increasing capabilities was such a small thing.  It turns out that tape is a big deal when it comes to shipping and getting the best quality and lowest costs are easier said than done.  To be honest I really only thought that packing tape existed in one flavor.  But there are different thicknesses and types that hold all kinds of different weights.  There is also gum tape and it is water activated and is much stronger and can be super fast as well once you program a machine to cut it to the perfect length.  I have really been impressed with the whole process and am excited to rock the future without new water-based tape. 

See we were using up to 15 strips of tape for each of our cardboard boxes that we were shipping.  This was because some of our products are really heavy and some of our employees get a little excited and go overboard on taping. But it turns out that in some cases it was needed with the type of tape we were using.  So we ended up calling up a packaging supplies store and asking what might work best for our company.  It turns out that for the cardboard boxes that we were using we could incorporate gum tape.  This was a small investment to begin with but we ended up saving 69% of all our costs of tape within 3 months.  That was a massive difference and it allowed us to cut labor costs because our workers were able to do their job 30% faster.  That is a huge deal in eCommerce.

The process of using a gum tape dispenser is simply having a machine that wets and cuts the tape to a certain length.  Our machine programs the legnth and width of each box that we use.  So we can choose to have it cut 3 pieces of tape and have it done within a few seconds.  It then is put on the package and it perfectly fits each time giving the perfect amount of tape.  Once we programmed the right lengths our team was flying through packages and we were super happy that they enjoyed not having to lean over and tape as much.