Get your Candy While you Still Can

It may be Fall, and Halloween may be right around the corner, but that may not be the biggest reason to go shopping now.  In all honestly, usually, the candy aisles start to get a little barren around this time of year because everyone is getting trick or treat candy for the holiday.  But this year it may be a little different.  The economy has been very strange this year and many companies are struggling to get supplies in order to even produce products.  The other factor is that the election is right around the corner after Halloween and people are all worried about rioting and stores shutting down not only from COVID-19 but from lack of supply or criminal activity.  It is a whole mess of craziness out there right now and if you need that sweet delectable treat with your favorite candy boxes then you may need to get them now before the shelves clear out. 

Now normally in a regular holiday season candy will ramp up and people will be able to not only get all the treats they want before Halloween, but also after.  This year most of the country has reported that trick or treating is going to drastically go down.  As a result, stores and manufacturers simply did not make as much.  This means that if you want some now only for the holiday, but also possibly for after it may be the time to do it.  If companies have already told you they didn’t make nearly as much and are also struggling to get supplies then if you want you favorite candy boxes in your home this year, you may need to get them now.

It is also not only a supply situation.  Even though the companies are not only creating less, but people are now on their own buying more in fear of what may come.  COVID-19 has started to rise and there is talk from our legislative and executive branches of government all accross the nation from states to federal that the economy and states may shut down again.  What this has done rather people thought it would happen or not is cause people to start pannic buying again.  Albeit it is slightly less then the first go around, the real issue is that everyone is now doing it just slower.  So there are more people preparing for the worst because we have already seen shelves empty for months at a time and rationing take place.  Yes, when a store only allows you to get one of an item, and none of another it is rationing.  This is what happens in pandemics, economic collapses or hyperinflation.  The truth is that our economy is not what it was and our sweet tooths may end up suffering for it.

So what I am saying is plan out what you enjoy and maybe even how much you like to eat.  If you know that your family lives happily with a large bag of assorted treats per month, then maybe pick up enough to last the year.  Make sure to check expiration dates as well. You do not want to waste food or money on something that wont last long enough to enjoy. So plan ahead be careful and safe and enjoy life.

Are you getting into Shipping in eCommerce?

When you are starting up a new company, there are more questions than answers.  I am going to lay it straight this doesn’t change when you get further down the road either.  You are always learning and trying to keep up or get ahead of everyone else.  The reason is that if you don’t you will simply get left behind.  It is no joke that there are always thousands of people and companies trying to crush you.  They may not even know it but they are working on it.  So that is why you need to be wise in all of your decisions.  If you are getting into eCommerce then you need to start off making well thought out and good decisions that are based on money and time.  Those are the two things you will most likely be short on and you need to make sure that each decision is based on will it cost more or less, and will it take too much time or not enough.  These two areas are linked and they also come into play when you are shipping items. 

When you decide to start shipping your product many people think they need the best looking boxes and the fanciest of tape.  Everything must have a handwritten note and be perfect.  Hate to break it to you, but Amazon changed that outlook about 5 years ago.  Only boutique items need that and even then most stores are not shipping them pretty.  So first off, get that out of your head because if your competition is shipping in a plane, box that costs 10% of your fancy set up they will win and win big.  You will be out of business faster than you know it because you are losing 90% of shipping each time you sell an item.  That company can spend it on, advertising, SEO, or even faster shipping.  That is what you are giving up when you make bad decisions that cost money.  Your competition takes that money and puts it to use.

So think about this when you are deciding to purchase your packaging supplies.  If you are spending all your money on a nice box and not buying the right tape you could be losing thousands of dollars a year.  I mean it, tape thickness means the difference between one strip used or 15.  Imagine spending 15 times the amount of tape costs over an entire year versus getting the right kind and using less, spending less time and money.  It is the decisions like these that are making companies pack up and go home. So shop around and don’t buy from the first store on Amazon.  Go online and find a good shipping company that specializes in this and use their discounts to undercut Amazon by up to 30%.  That is huge and can be the difference between life and death and that all comes from packaging supplies. 

I know it sounds like a nitpicky area, but it is not.  Think of the competition always and every minute you spend doing some is an opportunity cost on something else.  The same goes for money.  Every dime you waste is a dime you are not getting an ad out or hiring someone who can take 30 hours off your week to enable you to be smarter and work more efficiently.

Don’t Move with the Wrong Setup Again

If you are on the house hunt then this article is for you.  My family has done a lot of moving over the years and we have also helped many friends and family members move over the years too.  With the housing boom going on with interest rates super low and the housing market selling like crazy I want to give some advice on moving.  Moving is a big deal and moving days can really have an impact on how you feel about your new home as well.  I have been surprised at how having a good moving setup or moving crew can change an entire experience.  The feel of moving into a new home is just as important as doing it, but it is really how you do it that makes an impact on this. 

So what do I mean by moving with the wrong setup?  I mean that you need to start with the best vehicle for the purpose.  Many people instantly call everyone they know who has a truck in hopes that they can guilt or convince them to help you out.  This really is what most Americans do and it is the basic task for new homeowners.  They think that they must do this and that having a truck is the only answer for moving.  I am here to tell you that trucks make really bad moving vehicles.  I don’t like lifting furniture up that high to get it in the bed.  I also don’t like tossing cheap moving boxes over the side of the bed when these trucks can be up to five feet high on the bed walls.  I have seen so much damage happen to people, items, and yes trucks while moving.  Lots of people end up causing more damage all around getting things into trucks than any other vehicle.  It takes more physical strength and endurance to workload items into a truck and I think its the worse thing you can do.

The next setup people use it to buy a Uhaul or rent a large truck with a walk-in bed.  Now If these trucks have a long ramp then I would say they are pretty good.  But some do not and you have to lift all the items up again just like a pickup truck.  Yet again this is only slightly better than a pickup truck because it is at least covered from the elements. This helps you not get your cheap moving boxes wet and all the things ruined inside of them.  So this option I will put as number two in the scheme of things.

The best option I like is a walk-in trailer.  This is simply because it is low and people can use a cart or a hand cart to wheel furniture and packages in.  The ability to wheel items in, has saved many injuries and many broken or damaged items from occurring.  I have seen people have great moving experiences with a low walled trailer.  They can pull it with a minivan and it allowed people to simply have a fast and nonpainful move.  The truth is that I have seen people smile when they moved with a trailer versus the stress that comes with a truck.  Lower stress means a better move and a happier time for everyone around.

Halloween Treats for Trick or Treating

This year is going to be more complicated for all social gatherings or festivals.  It is unfortunate because one of the most social events is going to be looked at differently this year due to Covid-19.  The fun times of Trick or Treating may not be what they once were.  People are now fearful of even being around other people more or less touching something that someone just touched.  So I think there need to be some rules when it comes to handing out treats this year to all the young ones who should still be able to expereince this fun tradition.  That is what I want to go over today and it is the rules that you should consider for handing out those treats this year. 

Now I am not a professional treat giver or healthcare provider so these are just my thoughts and opinions on ways to keep people safe and to still enjoy a fantastic holiday.  You should always run health issues by your own healthcare provider to make sure they are up to your local standards.  I think the best thing to do this year is to focus on social distancing.  Even if you are not a believer that it really will make a big difference, it still does to some.  The goal is for kids to have fun and to be able to enjoy their favorite candy boxes without having a political or healthcare debate going on.  So my goal is to work on keeping everything distant.  That means not actually handing candy out to kids directly. 

In my opinion, I think we should also eliminate the need for knocking on doors and getting that close to your own or other people’s homes.  This is because the distance is the key to social distancing and 6 feet is most likely not going to be possible from a doorway and with all the knocking you may not want hundreds of kids knocking on your door and touching your knobs and bucket etc…. That is why there are some clever and fun ways to hand out treats safely.

I think the best way to do this would be individual packages or treats.  That means making a lot of little gifts or separating our candy so it is spread out on your porch or driveway.  That is a really cool thing to think about and do.  Having the ability for kids to not touch anything but the direct treats is a really cool idea. 

The need for specific packaging is going to be key this year.  Many parents are going to want to clean the candy boxes and packages before they are given to their kids to eat.  That means you should get candy that can be cleaned.  So look for plastic packaging that can be sprayed with COVID-19 killing agent and then be opened and safely injured. That is going to be the biggest part of this year and it will be edible candy.  So work on shopping wisely and understanding that not all of us think or believe the same things.  But we want the kids to all to have a fun and enjoyable time trick or treating this year.  That is the main thing to think about. I hope you have a fantastic holiday and a fun time this year.

How we saved our home with boxes

This year my wife and I decided to take on a really complicated task.  We decided to take on a new place to live and saw an opportunity to make our lives a little bit better with a whole lot of work.  Due to the housing marketing being so good before the COVID-19 pandemic we moved into a super nice neighborhood at the lowest price that had ever been available in it.  This also came with a caveat of moving into a non-move in ready home.  We ended up with a timeframe to fix up the vast majority of the home and also we ended up with a giant mess doing so.  We ended up using cardboard boxes to organize and save our ability to live there.

The best decision we made was to work more organized.  Moving into a new home was going to be an exciting thing and at first, we were super happy about the ability to move into a great place with such a low cost. We didn’t have a ton of stuff moving from a small apartment into a large home but what we did have was still a bit too much for the location due to all the work we are doing with it.  I think that our issue was we were constantly working on the majority of the house at the same time.  By the time we moved in we only had really one room that was finished and able to be lived in and that was our bedroom. 

With the entire house being under construction we found that we simply didn’t have a lot of space to live.  It was livable until the winter started to kick in hard.  The issue that we had was that we could no longer work on projects the yard and we only had the space available in our garage to do messy jobs such as cutting wood and staining.  This left us with a big issue because our garage was so full of items and products.   This was where we had to organize in order to find room to work.  The house was already too full to add the garage stuff to ti so we had to be cleaver.  What we did was order a bunch of high-end cardboard boxes and we started to get to work.

We began by organizing all of our items by type and use.  This was important because we need to still be able to get to the items that we used constantly easily.  We decided that we could use the vertical space in our garage in order to save space.  We started packing up and actually building our towers vertically as well. 

In order to do this correctly, we ended up creating a system to know what we were stacking.  We stacked our packages by the type of items that are in it and the use we will need it for.  So an item we will use most often we will put a 1 on and a 5 on items that we wouldn’t not use much.  Then we would stack the packages in that order 1 on top so we could grab it out easy.  With this, we had more room to work and a garage we could continue to use.