Surprising Sugary Drinks

When it comes to dental health, so often we hear to stay away from candies. Why is it that candy of all things seems to be the “big bad guy” of the dental world? Well, one of the main reasons is how sugary they are. The more sugar you consume, the more likely that sugar is to take hold on your teeth and cause plaque to build up and eat away at your teeth’s enamel.

The thing is, there are other food and drinks out there that have far more sugar than candy boxes contain; you just don’t ever hear about it.

So, we’ve come up with a list of those drinks that are pretty common yet have tons of sugar. Whether you’re trying to stay hydrated playing sports or want to enjoy juice at home, you should definitely keep an eye on drink labels if you want to keep your teeth healthy.

Grape juice.

Tooth decay can often occur because of the various “healthy” fruit juices you may have at home. But were you aware that grape juice contains more sugar than almost any other type of juice? A twelve ounce glass of grape juice contains more than 58 grams of sugar. That’s 2 full ounces of pure sugar in the twelve ounce glass and around 20 grams more than a can of soda.

Vitamin water.

Drinks with “vitamin” in their names aren’t always as healthy as they may advertise. While they may be packed with specific vitamins, be sure to check the label for what all is within. So before you grab yourself a vitamin water, you should know that a regular twenty ounce bottle has 31 grams of sugar. For comparison, a regular size candy bar has around 27 grams.

Assorted Organic Craft Sodas with Cane Sugar


This is another common go-to drink for people who are active in sports and exercising. Unfortunately, it may not be the best choice for post-exercise rehydration. While it can vary between flavors, a typical twenty ounce bottle of Gatorade averages 34 grams of sugar. Wow.

We want you to be able to enjoy some sugary treats just as much as you want it. Just make sure to brush your teeth after meals, after plowing through a few candy boxes, and after drinking sugary drinks to keep your teeth and dental gear in great shape. It’s the things you’re least suspecting that will creep up on your oral health.

Bettering Yourself for Life

Getting back on track in life can be a particularly tough thing to accomplish. Sure, the new year helps to motivate you some since everyone seems to love sharing their new year’s resolutions with one another on social media.

The thing is, how often do those people actually stick to their newly made routines? How often do they stick to it through a month? Half a year? For life?

Well, not often, I’m sure you could’ve guessed. A lot of resolutions on lists are life-changing goals that simply remain unaccomplished because, well, they’re pretty tough to do. To accomplish a life-changing goal, you’ve got to have a life-altering shift of mindset. It’s not all as simple as throwing your junk food in a few cardboard boxes lying around your house and then taking those cardboard boxes out and dumping everything within in the dumpster.

No, it takes a new way of thinking about your everyday life. You can’t simply expect to just get up off the couch every single day and go workout simply because your to-do list remains untouched. Rather, you’ve got to show yourself why it’s important to do, how it’ll change you, and remain tough on yourself at first. It takes over two months of something to make it a routine part of your life, and here we find ourselves just two weeks into the new year.

So, what does it take, then, to shift your outlook on everything?

It takes work. And on that note, let’s compare these resolutions, these healthy changes in your mind and body, to your career.

Why do you go to your job everyday? Well, because you have to. Why do you have to? You absolutely have to make money to pay bills and eat and live, right?

Well, look at your body and your mental health as a necessity, not an option. Look at working out and eating better and budgeting as a necessity because you absolutely have to, not because you can or should or may want to. Because you have to.

Once you shift this perspective to one of necessity rather than want, you’ll begin your path to routine. That’s the first step.

Once you’ve accomplished two or three months of steady exercising, cooking your own meals, saving money, whatever it is that you deem life changing, you’ll be in a very good routine. All you have to remember, though, is that it doesn’t stop here. You’ve got to keep at it every single day. For yourself.

Candy Containers: A Baker’s Special Weapon

When it comes to finding the right container for your things, it can sometimes be tough. I mean, when you have to turn to packing up and moving all your things, some items are simply too oddly shaped or need specific boxes to house them.

For example, think about picture frames. They almost always have glass covers and usually house a special photo you’ve had for years. You don’t exactly want to stack these in a cardboard box, do you? Seems like a pretty precarious idea. Instead, you look for thin picture boxes suited to protecting your frames.

Well, confectionaries, cupcakes, and candies are no different. You may own your own bakery or candy store. Similarly, you may just be someone who enjoys baking and selling your goods to family, friends, and other people in your community. It brings you joy to create foods that people find sweet, delicious, and comforting.

So, you need a container for them, whether you’re shipping them or simply wanting to give your customers something worth presentation. Look no further than candy boxes. These sorts of boxes are perfect for displaying your sweet treats in specific orders, or simply just separating different types of candy.

The best part of these boxes are how inexpensive they are. You can grab a ton in bulk to have in your storage for the next year, if you please. The best part is that they don’t cut into your profit margins, as they’re very cheap and extremely useful.

By having your treats in candy boxes, you also boost the perceived value that your customer will associate with your goods. They’ll see a nice presentation and container that holds the things they actually wanted within. You’ll come off as more professional, more successful, and more detailed simply by having a sense of presentation attached to the things you bake and create.

So if you’re on the fence about making the plunge into specified containers for your goods, I’m here to say you should do it. Paper bags aren’t enough. And loaning your own tupperware containers out can get exhausting, especially if you don’t get them back in a timely fashion from family members.

Having these boxes will boost your business, create a sense of professionalism, and even give you a “brand” that is recognizable by many. Don’t hesitate on grabbing some of these containers for your next few months of baking. It’ll serve you well.

Handling the holiday gift influx

Let’s be honest, many of us get a lot of stuff around Christmas time. Some of it we may be super excited about and some of it, like that bag of socks, is a bit less welcome. Either way, while new stuff is great, it usually means that we need to do something with our old stuff to make room for everything. Here’s some ideas for how to organize and store your things when Christmas gifts require you to consolidate!

1) Boxes.

Cardboard boxes are a great way to organize your stuff in a categorized, stackable way. Even better, you can pick up boxes for cheap at your local mailing or moving store. When sealed up with packing tape, boxes can be a great way to keep items safe and clean, even for a long time. Just use a permanent marker to jot down what’s in each box so you don’t forget! Keep in mind, cardboard boxes are not always the most durable, particularly if exposed to water or moisture. So, if you’re storing things in your garage or a leaky basement, consider using a storage tub or plastic box. These can typically be found at home improvement stores!

2) Storage Facilities.

Unfortunately, sometimes we have so much stuff that we can’t fit it all in our own home! That’s why remote storage facilities exist. Most of them charge a monthly fee and give you access to a secure, garage-like personal space. Some of these storage units can be small, only a couple feet wide and five or so feet deep. Others can be large, the size of a one car garage or bigger. These facilities are secure and generally well maintained, meaning that you won’t have to worry about someone breaking into your stuff or water or bugs getting to it.

3) Selling Locally.

Many of us have things that we don’t use regularly, but are actually somewhat valuable. Examples might be grills, bikes, yard equipment, tools, or old furniture. Each of these things, particularly furniture, can take up a lot of space in our house unnecessarily. If you have well kept things that you don’t use often, consider selling them. There are many sites out there, like craigslist, ebay, nextdoor, or simply social media that allow you to sell things online. Not only does it help you clean out your house, but gives you some cash as well!

4) Donating.

Particularly in the cold months of winter, many shelters are looking for useful donations. If you have extra things laying around, particularly clothes and coats, see if you can find a local shelter or charity that you can donate to. Goodwill will work in a pinch too! And, if you donate something with significant value, like a car, you can often write the donation off on next year’s taxes!

Christmas Candy Boxes for Your Holiday

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….for eating yummy treats and goodies! Christmas time is an acceptable time for you to binge out and have all types of sweet treats. Since you’re so busy devouring the goodies yourself, you may forget that sweets also make for great gifts! This is the perfect time to pick out a beautifully decorated candy box that you can gift a loved one. A top gift to think about this year is a personally designed, decorative box that holds any type of candy you can think of. Here are the recommended types of boxes that usually work the best as gifts.

Box 1: Pure Chocolate

Everyone has a chocolate lover in their life. While most people assume that women love chocolate the most, a high majority of men also say that they prefer to receive and eat chocolate if they have to choose a candy. So you really cannot go wrong when getting a chocolate box for someone, as they are sure to like it! When thinking about a box to put together, usually assortments work best.


Put together a mix of dark, white, and milk chocolate. If you want to go even more crazy, a huge hit is the sea salt and caramel chocolate, mint chocolate, or even some peppermint bark for the holidays! These types of candy boxes are easy to ship too, since it’s cold out, the chocolate should not melt like it would in the summer so you can rest easy knowing that the sweets will make it there in one piece!


Box 2: Christmas Candy

This box is for that Christmas lover in your life, you know, the one who loves a candy cane in their hot chocolate and who love munching on some peppermint bark next to the floor while listening to a Christmas carol. The fun part about this type of box is that you can be creative and express yourself as you put this together. Before starting, go look for other types of Christmas candy and see what unique types are out there!

Hershey kisses are a really popular candy this time of the year and Hershey even make a peppermint bark kiss that you can add in. Or you can find some reindeer shaped animal crackers or elf dots to make this box a true Christmas special. The fun part about these candy boxes too is that you can decorate the outside with red and white or snowflakes and christmas trees and make the box look beautiful.

This article probably put you in the mood to grab a handful of Christmas Mm&s, but the hope is that you can start thinking of how to turn a candy obsession into a beautiful box that will be the talk of your Christmas morning this year.