First, don’t forget how much money and time was spent on decorating your home. I know you’re past the holidays, just as most are, but do not try to rush through this recklessly. You want to come out of this as cost efficient as you can. Disassembly and storage are important.

1. Preparation and Supplies
Think about where your decorations will be stored, and how you want to do that. Start by looking through the house for free and efficient ways of storage. You may have egg cartons in the fridge or trash. Old newspapers work well in storing fragile pieces. You can use leftover wrapping paper, the paper from the gift bags received, and leftover boxes from gifts ordered online. The bubble wrap will come in handy also. We all have plastic bags and maybe even the white clothing boxes. All of these items you more than likely have laying around after the holidays. Wrapping paper, cardboard boxes, and tape may be readily available.
2. Proper Packaging
This is time to separate fragile items from reefs and ribbons. What needs more attention than others? Group items together, so there is no confusion. Wrap everything in the proper preventative paper or packaging. Reuse the boxes and cartons the items came in. Electrical items need extra attention.
3. Use Proper Labeling
This is simple, but forgetting it will cause many issues for next year. Label everything accordingly, so you can easily find your items for the next holiday. Be descriptive, and write clearly. You want to be able to find and identify all of the decorations. This assists in not putting fragile items in places of danger to be broken.
4. Make it a Fun Family Activity
Decorating for the holidays is a family activity. Make this one too. It is important to do this to keep the children engaged. This helps to keep items from being broken. Instead of making this a chore, make it fun in any way possible. If children think it is a chore the level of attention will be low. Items get broken this way.
Lastly, you want this activity to go smoothly with minimal breakage. Believe it or not, the ornaments and decorations mean something. These will be memories for the whole family. It is important to show the family no matter the task you take care of your belongings. You remember Christmas’s of your childhood. Your children will do the same. Happy holidays.