The Wardrobe
Clothing should be placed in three categories once unwanted clothing has been removed. The first is clothing not currently being worn including formal attire, specialty clothing, and seasonal items. The second category covers clothing worn on moving day, and a few days after the move. These should be placed in a survival gear box containing necessities including toilet paper, towels, shower curtains, and toiletries. This will eliminate a panic the first few days after the move. The third category is clothes worn daily for the current season. Delicate clothing should be separated so it can be unpacked quickly. Using specific containers allows clothing to be packed using common sense.
The Dresser
It is often not necessary to remove clothing from dresser drawers. Each drawer can be removed, covered with shrink wrap for protection, and placed back in the dresser. Additional shrink wrap will prevent the drawers from sliding out during the move. This does need to be checked with the moving company because some companies insist the drawers are removed.

Suitcases and Containers
Suitcases hold clothing efficiently, and are ideal for shoes. Cardboard boxes can fall apart if it is raining, so valuables should be protected with another option. Newer boxes are made of plastic, waterproof, crush proof, have integrated locking lids, and can be rented, and delivered. They are eco-friendly, waterproof, easy to stack, ensure a faster move, will not collapse, require less room, reduce waste, and save money.
Wardrobe Boxes
Wardrobe boxes are excellent for hanging clothing. Clothing can be left on the hanger, and transferred to a metal bar. They are made of corrugated plastic, extremely durable, weather resistant, fold flat, and are easily manageable. Clothing is kept free of wrinkles, and protected from dust, and dirt.
Bundle Wrapping
Bundle wrapping will prevent wrinkling, and requires less room than traditional folding. Clothing that is damp, or dirty should not be included because other clothing may be stained, and mold growth is possible. Paper should be used to separate delicate clothing. Newspaper should not be used because the ink can transfer onto clothing.
The Shoes
Shoes should not be packaged with clothing. They must be wrapped to ensure they are not crushed, dented, or scuffed. If possible, shoes should be moved in the original boxes. Bubble wrap is excellent for protecting shoes, and fragile items.
The Padding
Clothing can be used as padding for items that are being moved. The smaller pieces of clothing with durability are excellent for wrapping around fragile items, or preventing the contents of a container from shifting by filling in any gaps. The weight of a box becomes much more manageable when the bottom is filled with heavy items, but the top with lightweight clothing.