Excellent Tips For Packing Clothing For A Scheduled Move

A move to a new residence requires special attention for fragile items, and heavy items can be painful. Clothes are not considered by many individuals, but represent a valuable investment, and require a lot of space. Trash bags, and crammed boxes are not the best solution because clothes can become wrinkled, damaged, and represent a large cleaning bill. The first step is to eliminate unnecessary clothing. Downsizing will create additional space, clothing can be donated, or sold to help alleviate the costs of moving. This will result in packing, and moving less cardboard boxes.

The Wardrobe

Clothing should be placed in three categories once unwanted clothing has been removed. The first is clothing not currently being worn including formal attire, specialty clothing, and seasonal items. The second category covers clothing worn on moving day, and a few days after the move. These should be placed in a survival gear box containing necessities including toilet paper, towels, shower curtains, and toiletries. This will eliminate a panic the first few days after the move. The third category is clothes worn daily for the current season. Delicate clothing should be separated so it can be unpacked quickly. Using specific containers allows clothing to be packed using common sense.

The Dresser 

It is often not necessary to remove clothing from dresser drawers. Each drawer can be removed, covered with shrink wrap for protection, and placed back in the dresser. Additional shrink wrap will prevent the drawers from sliding out during the move. This does need to be checked with the moving company because some companies insist the drawers are removed.

Suitcases and Containers

Suitcases hold clothing efficiently, and are ideal for shoes. Cardboard boxes can fall apart if it is raining, so valuables should be protected with another option. Newer boxes are made of plastic, waterproof, crush proof, have integrated locking lids, and can be rented, and delivered. They are eco-friendly, waterproof, easy to stack, ensure a faster move, will not collapse, require less room, reduce waste, and save money.

Wardrobe Boxes

Wardrobe boxes are excellent for hanging clothing. Clothing can be left on the hanger, and transferred to a metal bar. They are made of corrugated plastic, extremely durable, weather resistant, fold flat, and are easily manageable. Clothing is kept free of wrinkles, and protected from dust, and dirt.

Bundle Wrapping

Bundle wrapping will prevent wrinkling, and requires less room than traditional folding. Clothing that is damp, or dirty should not be included because other clothing may be stained, and mold growth is possible. Paper should be used to separate delicate clothing. Newspaper should not be used because the ink can transfer onto clothing.

The Shoes

Shoes should not be packaged with clothing. They must be wrapped to ensure they are not crushed, dented, or scuffed. If possible, shoes should be moved in the original boxes. Bubble wrap is excellent for protecting shoes, and fragile items.

The Padding

Clothing can be used as padding for items that are being moved. The smaller pieces of clothing with durability are excellent for wrapping around fragile items, or preventing the contents of a container from shifting by filling in any gaps. The weight of a box becomes much more manageable when the bottom is filled with heavy items, but the top with lightweight clothing.

The Do-it-Yourself Money Box

Who said candy boxes should only contain candy? Jessica Fisher, a contributor to Life as Mom e-magazine, recently received a gift from her great aunt, which was basically a candy box containing cash instead of candy. This is a clever and useful gift to give anyone who needs financial help, such as college students. When she first received the box, she naturally assumed it was a box of chocolates or candy from a small candy shop named See’s Candy, in Minnesota. In fact, there was a note attached to the box that read “better than See’s Candy”.

When she opened it, she was surprised to see the actual contents of the box. This was partly because her father had a tradition of sending friends and relatives See’s candy for over 30 years. Each candy liner had a small amount of money in it instead of the usual candy. The amount varied from quarters to ten-dollar bills.
Making one of these yourself is not very difficult as the following instructions will show. You will need the following items to put one together.
• Candy box which can be bought from a gift store or craft store
• Candy liners which are made from paper
• Either double sided tape or glue
• Money, such as coins or notes
• Foam stickies

Once all of these are bought you can begin the process of making this novel gift. The first step is to attach the liner papers to the box. Paper currency can be folded or rolled. You could kick things up a notch if you have some basic origami skills. Coins are stacked on top of each other.
This is an excellent gift idea for those who will need cash. Apart from college students, if you know someone who is planning on traveling abroad, sending them this gift would be thought full. The currency itself does not have to be dollars. It could be any type currency, or best yet, find out where they are going and find currency from that country.

Giving a gift of this type to children would also be a good idea. Not only would it be more practical than giving candy, it would be educational as well. They could learn about the different denominations in the process. Most people tend to think that the choice of cash is very limited. But if you were to ask at the bank you may be surprised at the different varieties of cash, especially when it comes to coins. Apart from quarters and dimes, there are half a dollar coins available. As far as notes are concerned don’t forget about the two-dollar bills.

When it comes to total amounts, it doesn’t have to be a large amount. Sure, you could kick it up a notch and put some gold and silver coins in with the rest of them. A lot of times, it is not the gift itself, but the thought that counts. There is just something nice when you receive a gift from someone that they put together themselves, especially when it is clever and practical to boot.

Make Moving A Breeze With These Tips From Professional Packers

Anyone who has ever done their own packing in preparation for a move can tell you what a daunting task it can be. You can start off with the most perfectly laid out plans, lists, intentions of labeling each and every box meticulously, only to quickly find yourself surrounded by utter chaos. It makes one wonder how anyone could possibly do this for a living.

Fortunately, however, there are people who do just that, and do it well. They know all the tricks to packing for even the biggest move in a quick and orderly fashion. Here are some of their best tips for making your packing and moving experience simple and stress-free:

The first cardinal rule of packing for a move is to toss out anything you no longer use, want, or need. It may be a good idea to enlist a friend to help with this process if you find that you simply cannot be diplomatic in choosing to part with some items. The bottom line is, the more clutter you get rid of the less work packing, moving, and unpacking will be.

Save yourself some valuable time by using your cell phone to take a photo of the contents of each box as you get it packed. Mark each box with a number and save the photo to your phone under that corresponding number. When it’s time to unpack, simply pull up the photo to know what each box contains and which room it goes in. You’ll save a lot of time by not having to write out itemized lists.

Never overpack a single box in the name of saving space. This will only make handling the overweight box more risky as it creates the potential for damage to the items inside and/or injury to the person moving the box. A good rule of thumb is to never pack a single box in excess of 25 pounds. Items such as small to medium-sized appliances, stereo or video equipment, etc, should be packed separately from other items and labeled as ‘heavy.

While moving can be a costly process, the one place you do not want to try to cut costs is on moving boxes. Rather than using flimsy cardboard boxes from your local grocery store’s back room, buy sturdy cardboard boxes specifically designed for packing for a move. Ultimately your belongings will be well protected from mishaps that can occur when using unstable boxes created for lighter jobs.

Upholstered furniture items such as sofas, chairs, mattresses, etc, can be covered with special heavy-duty plastic bags designed specifically to protect these types of items and keep them clean during a move. Slip them over your furniture, secure with packing tape, and then place cushions, pillows, etc, also wrapped in plastic, right on top for added room and organization.

The obvious reason for this is of course to utilize all possible space for packing. However, packing things snugly into a moving box also prevents items from being jostled around during the move. Even if it’s just enough room for a rolled-up T-shirt or a pair of socks, make use of that space and protect your belongings.

Save space and protect your more fragile items by wrapping them in your clean clothing as you pack them. Wrap glass items in clean T-shirts, larger or more delicate pieces in sheets or blankets. You’ll save packing space and know that your belongings are well-protected.

Rather than creating more work for yourself later on by grouping clothing items together while they are on the hangers, then slipping drawstring-tie trash bags around them starting at the bottom, pulling up, and securing at the top of the hangers, leaving the hooks exposed. Use a marker to write on each bag who the clothing belongs to. This way you can simply re-hang the clothes in your new closets, remove the bags, and you are all organized!

Pack a plastic tote with enough essentials (clothing, towels, hygiene items, etc) to get you through the first 3 to 5 days in your new home while you are getting unpacked and settled in. Pack a separate tote for each family member plus one for basic household needs (cleaning supplies, laundry needs, toilet paper, etc).

This is another area in which you don’t want to cut corners to save a few dollars. Make sure the packing tape you choose is one that is recommended for the job, and use enough to make certain your packages are secure and safe from mishaps.

Allow yourself plenty of time to have your packing done by the time the movers arrive. If you have additional items or items that will require special handling, make sure to stay and inform the movers in person or via pre-arranged text messaging regarding any special instructions or needs.

You will be doing your movers – and ultimately yourselves – a huge favor by having your boxes arranged by weight when they arrive to load everything up. Separate boxes into Heavy, Medium, and Light categories as well as having any fragile items clearly marked and set to the side for easy identification. This will assure an expedient and safe loading and unloading experience, and will be much appreciated by your moving team.

Moving doesn’t have to be the stuff nightmares are made of. Put these tips into action and your moving experience will be smooth sailing for everyone involved, making it possible for you to begin enjoying your new home right away!

Your Guide to the Best Residential Movers

Shifting from one place is always an exciting idea until it comes into play. It is no one’s cup of tea, and if not handled with the seriousness it deserves it will not only tear you apart to the seams but also lead to losses. Fortunately, professional residential moving companies are now the heroes of the day when it comes to this tedious activity.

However, these companies offer different types of services and at different rates which make it difficult for anyone planning to move to make a decision. That is made worse by myriads of residential moving companies coming up with each new day. Luckily for you, we’ll take that load off your mind by going into more details on how to make your moving experience less hectic.
First things, first, you should know that the best companies usually offer their clients a diverse array of services to ensure their fulfillment. To reach their goal, they conduct a series of small tasks which all aim at making the primary job trouble-free. For instance movement of the cardboard boxes filled with your precious possessions and other household items are just but a few activities which professional movers will do. Below are much more to expect
Home evaluation
The final cost usually depends on some factors such as the ones briefly highlighted below
Risk assessment
Before the main activity of the day, the professionals evaluate your items to ensure they have a detailed list of them. Through that, they can prevent any unseen events after the move
Management of priceless items
We all have that unique painting up the wall, piano or any other objects in the house which we will never leave behind for anything. Furthermore, we want them to be handled with special care which mostly we won’t be able to do so ourselves. Through residential movers, we can get that care we crave for.
Let’s face it; if you are moving, there are situations which you cannot handle on your own. For example moving that piece of furniture through a narrow opening. That leaves you with no option but to move it into the new place through the balcony or any other bigger space. With a moving company manned by professionals, you can enjoy this type of service.
Others include

  • Packing and unpacking
  • transient storage services
  • Custom crating

Metrics to use while choosing a residential mover
Since investors learned of how lucrative residential moving is, many of them are now turning into the business now and then. That makes it a nightmare for people who want to move to choose which they should go for. Luckily for them, the internet is the secret ingredient to making this big decision. There are hundreds of customer reviews online giving their experiences with such companies. There are also plenty of websites which you can be sure that the reviews are genuine such as Yelp. Through such, you can get to know the most reputable moving companies by looking at the ones with top ratings

It all depends on one important thing; the cost. Residential movers offer different services based on the distance therefore if you are moving locally you are likely to pay less than someone moving into another state. The standard charges of a local mover are usually $30 which means that if two of them take five hours you end up paying averagely $240-$300. Therefore the more the number of movers the more you get to pay. Apart from that extra services are also charged. On the other hand, someone going over a long distance is charged depending on:

  • Distance
  • Additional services, for example, someone moving from one bed roomed house is likely to pay less than the one moving from a 3- bed roomed one
    Weight of the moved items such as cardboard boxes
  • How to settle on the best
  • If you’ve decided that a self-move will not do, it is essential that you find the best residential mover. In a nut shell below are steps you should take to ensure that you don’t settle for less than you deserve
  • Ask around from friends and family who have moved previously
    Fill an online cost estimator which will give you the exposure to reliable moving companies which will give you their quotes
  • Make a comparison of the quotes, pay particular attention to the additional services and also final cost
  • Finally run online to do the evaluation of the companies through reviews
  • Make sure they are properly licensed and have confidence in your gut feeling

How To Make An Easter Candy Basket

Making easter baskets is something that every Easter lover looks forward to. Making a cute little basket with Easter goodies to give the kids is one of the most exciting parts of the holiday. If you are wondering what kind of basket to make this Easter, why not give edible baskets a try? Edible baskets mainly use candy boxes as the base, with candy inside of course, and there was nothing wrong with more candy! Your boxes will not only end up looking good but will also make the adults wonder why they can’t get one of these baskets too!

Making candy box easter baskets is incredibly simple that even a child could do it. (You can turn this into a fun easter activity too if you would like)

To start making your Easter candy basket, you will need a few things to start out, mainly:

  1. Six boxes of Candy (Preferably all of them should be the same size)
  2. Rope Candy (Taffy Ropes or Nerd Ropes should do the trick)
  3. Faux Grass
  4. Cardboard or mount board
  5. Scissors
  6. Glue Gun
  7. Ribbons (In whatever color you like)
  8. And of course, the treats that you will be putting into your basket.

The first step to making a candy box is to glue all the boxes together to form a basket. Start with the base and use a glue gun to stick two candy boxes to create the base. After that, stick one candy box on all four sides in a vertical position. You will end up with something akin to a box that is open on the top.

The base of the basket might not be strong enough to hold all the contents of the basket, which is why the next step is to ensure that this is sturdy. Cut out a small piece of mountboard or cardboard and stick it with hot glue on top of the base boxes that you have assembled. Make sure that all your boxes are well stuck together and do not fall or break apart since that will end up in a candy disaster.

The next thing that we need to do is make the handle for the basket. This is where the rope candy is in. For this, you will need to glue the ends of the packets of rope candy on either side of the basket to form a handle. You can use as many rope candy’s as you like, but two should suffice if you are going to a simple basket. You can then tie up the rope candy’s from the middle using a pretty ribbon. Make a bow on the top of even stick one, and your basket will already be on its way to looking cute and delicious.

Leave your basket to dry for a bit and once again make sure that all the parts of the basket are properly glued together. You can then begin filling it up. Take some easter grass and fill the basket up to make a small grass bed inside the basket. If you can’t find any easter grass at the store, take some crepe paper or green paper and cut it up into really fine strips. Place your treats in the basket, and you are ready to go!