Shapeshifting Packaging for Multi-Use designs 

Designs that serve multiple purposes have become popular for many in the packaging world. This type of packaging is on the rise—and for a good reason. People want packaging ideas that will inspire creativity, and incite excitement upon opening. 

Here, we’ll go over some of the common examples of shapeshifting packaging, and how you can serve many different purposes with multi-use functionalities. 

Examples of these shapeshifters 

There’s a lot of different ways for you to make it possible to create this unique shapeshifting packaging. 

One example is a box that transforms into storage containers. Literally, three items are put together, and then left as a sort of storage item that’s really useful for people. 

Another example is flexible packaging. This is packaging that changes and adjusts based on what’s inside, rather than being a one-size fits all sort of approach for your items. 

There are also cartons that fold into small handles, which allow you to carry them with ease. 

All of this packaging may involve folds and tears where you can grab the item and then carry it around. It works great, with soi many different ways to make this work, you owe it to yourself to have shapeshifting packaging that works. 

Who Uses This 

Almost all subscription box packaging benefits from this. a lot of these are able to improve the experience that customers have. Every month, if you can change the packaging, you also give customers something exciting that they will enjoy.  The other area that commonly uses this is reusable shipping containers. If you plan to use these again and again, having containers that can be adjusted for needs, especially if you are trying to send out multiple items, will benefit you. 

Then other compact retail packaging. If you want to adapt the packaging for multiple uses, especially in small items, it works wonders.   Again, the sky’s the limit with different ways you can use this. 

The benefits 

With shape-shifting packaging, you reduce the material waste that’s there. instead of having to shell out tons of money for you to put out items, it actually saves a bit on the size of the packaging. 

It also enhances functionality and reusability. If you can give the packaging another reason to exist, people will use it again and again, rather than throwing it in the trash. Again, as before, it reduces your overall waste. 

Finally, it offers added value to your customers. Customers who want packaging that stands out, and really delivers will benefit from the shapeshifting packaging. A lot of times, customers will also clamor for their packaging need to be attended to, which happens with shapeshifting packaging. 

The future Trends of Shapeshifting Packaging 

Shapeshifting packaging has a bright future. Some of these include these material decisions. Smart materials are making a comeback, where they will respond to the temperature, or pressure to shift to different, more intriguing forms.   Smart materials work great, and when given the proper stimuli, they can adjust as needed, becoming something even more useful.

With shapeshifting packaging, the future use is focused upon.   You’ll be surprised at the notions that your packaging offers to others, especially when you put forth shapeshifting items that you can use. Do it today, and see for yourself just how different the packaging experience is.

Adaptive designs are the name of the game, and the way to stand out in this world. so, if you have that, you will make a difference in the lives of your customers. Doing this today will markedly change the pace, and give customers something more exciting too.

Packaging for the DIY Lovers 

If you’re a brand that likes to sell DIY kits, whether they’re crafts, projects for the home such as maybe a table, or even electronics and STEM kits, you want to give them something that they will like.

These are insanely popular. A lot of customers both young and old flock to these types of packaging, as they offer you a fun, enjoyable experience of unboxing and assembly, along with the experience that comes with this.

Packaging for the ones who love DIY is as simple as putting together an unboxing and assembly experience. Here, we’ll give you the main elements of these kits, and what you want to give them in order to enhance all of the experiences across the board. 

Everything in One Place 

There’s nothing worse than getting a DIY kit and everything’s just haphazardly thrown together into some kind of messed up mess that makes a person go crazy.

You should have all of the components together. Like items should be next to each other, and you should as well ensure that you have everything neatly thrown together. Putting them in various containers that they can open and set aside will play a huge role in this.

The same goes for instructions as well.  you don’t want to make the project a whole pain to put together. Make sure that all of the instructions are labeled as best as they can. with pictorial evidence of just how to get everything put the way it needs to be. 

Easy Access 

Wrap rage is another big part of unboxing. People hate that, because there’s so much that can come with this, and a lot that can happen as a result of it.   if you have everything in a neat little place it will play a major part in this. people will be happy, and you won’t regret it.

Convenient Storage 

People love it when the boxes that they have are easy to store, so make sure that you put everything in a box that will do its magic.   You’d be surprised at how nice this is, and customers will love it.

Reusable Packaging 

Something new that’s come along as a result of the new era of sustainability, is reusable packaging. A box that can be turned into a project, or even a hanger if the item is some clothes, will definitely be good for you to use. Reusable types of packaging provide you with the items you need in order to make sure that you have it all in the right place. 

Why do This 

When you give the users something to remember, they’ll be ecstatic about it. your packaging isn’t just some cookie-cutter box with a kit inside. but in fact, it’s something that offers a simple and seamless presentation that’s really strong and makes it look really well.

You make the assembly all the easier for you to use, and in turn, you will be able to put together all of these items as much as you can.

The same goes for presentations. People will be wowed if they get something that will really make everything stand out in all sorts of unique ways.

However, when you put this together, make sure that the functionality and visuals are all neatly put together, offering an enhanced experience for all the customers that you have.

When you build the ultimate in DIY, you’ll definitely want to make this good for you, and you’ll be grateful that you did this. offering fun DIY projects builds your brand, and the right packaging will make sure that customers are begging for more. 

Factors to Influence the Packaging Prices 

Do you sometimes look at pricing and wonder how they got to that point? It can definitely be a huge factor, especially considering how businesses are trying to optimize costs.From the selection of materials to the impact on the environment, there’s a lot of different elements that happen when calculating the expenses of packaging.

You might wonder what the estimated range for prices or the formula that companies might want to calculate the packaging spend. The real answer is that there are a lot of different scenarios and options. The different types of designs, materials, and purposes do impact the costs.

It’s imperative to look at your bigger picture, and then consider all of these factors. These include chances for improvement, and streamlining the packaging process, especially when calculating the costs for packaging.

Elements to Evaluate on your Packaging Process 

There are a few elements that will influence packaging costs.The first is material. Are there materials that allow for products to be shipped at lower costs per unit?Labor is the next one.   You might wonder if there’s a change in the packaging, allowing for the process to be automated, and lowering the costs of tedious manual forms of labor. Freight is the next one.   You may be able to adjust this a little bit to lower the dimensional weight.

Design is another.   Maybe there’s a better design that you might be able to sell at a different price. 

Environmental impact too. Sometimes, changing the materials may lower the costs, while also driving more sustainability in the long haul.

Finally, damages. Maybe the design and the materials will cut the damage costs too. 

Again, these are all just a few ways for you to evaluate the product packaging, and look at the spending, but also ways for one to save. 

How to Lower Packaging costs 

One might wonder how they can lower the packaging costs without compromising the overall quality.

The first and best thing to do is to start with evaluation of packaging. Outside experts may identify the wasted material, any processes that are inefficient, and alternative options for packaging, or even solutions that you might not be aware of even existing.

We offer collaborative evaluations of packaging which involve teams of four or six of the top packaging experts. We go through looking at the facility, and the processes that are used, and evaluate the design of the packaging, materials used, the waste, and so much more. we look at everything from increased quantities of purchasing to even alternatives that offer savings.

It can impact the packaging material together, decreasing costs, improving output, and also bringing better labor savings. There are some recommendations for cost-saving actions in different areas, and the material that’s utilized in packaging and other processes. 

We can look at the way the stretch film that’s used, and sometimes change the way a wrapper has the film put in.

Some have even found that through our evaluations that some of their companies were able to save thousands, especially compared to what they were able to get out. 

We also compare the packaging prices that are there. Many times, you have to look at the value that’s there, and the potential pricing protections, savings, and the added values of sustainability, and the efficiencies that come with packaging.

We are experts though. We know the impact that packaging can have on a person, and the multitude of benefits. Contact us today to let us help you with your packaging needs and give you the expert solutions you deserve.

When to use cold Packaging 

Do you ever ship stuff that’s supposed to be refrigerated, only to get complaints from the buyers that it was warm when it arrived at their doorstep? This can be hard to deal with, but there is something you can get in order to make sure that the perishable goods stay cool during the shipping process. 

This is cold packaging.   Essentially, cold packaging is a variety of techniques and materials that are used for maintaining lower temperatures, in order to preserve the integrity of the frozen goods. 

There are many factors that play into this, so it’s important to ensure that the items are cold throughout the whole shipping process. 

In our world, the cold packaging demand has started to increase by a lot. With people wanting a chance to get food and products that are right there on the doorstep, it can be important to look at. 

Meal kits, fresh produce, even medicines and biological samples require some cold packaging that’s reliable, and good for you to use.

But, to make sure that the packaging remains cold is a huge challenge for them to do.   

Cold packaging isn’t just the insulation that’s needed, and refrigerants, you should also look at planning, ensuring that it’s careful, various materials that are specialized, and coordination that’s efficient. 

Here, we’ll go over when to use cold packaging, as they’re good options for businesses. But the right options play a major part in the overall wellness of the packaging at hand. 

When to Use It 

Cold packaging is vital for perishables, such as frozen, fresh foods, pharmaceuticals, and other items that are temperature-sensitive. 

They’re susceptible to various spoilage, and overall degradation if they’re not particularly stored or transported within the correct temperature ranges. 

For the most part, they need to stay between 32 and 29 degrees Fahrenheit, as this will prevent the bacteria from getting in there and spoiling the food. 

But frozen foods can only get up to about 11 degrees before they start to get spoiled and melted, so it requires more needs and other protection too. 

The fluctuations do affect the stability of your product, and the overall shelf life. By reducing this lifespan, it can impact the fluctuations that happen during various stages of the journey of the product. 

Cold packaging lowers the risk that comes with shipping various temperature-sensitive items. It also confirms the overall integrity, and the effectiveness of this temperature-sensitive item, especially as it’s preserved throughout the various parts of the supply chain. 

Cold Packaging types 

Now that you know when to use it, here are some of the most common types. 

First, we’ve got cooler kits, which is an insulated bag and container, used to keep the items nice and cold during the transit process. They’re filled with ice, or gel packs, and overall maintain a lowered temperature within this container. 

Cooler kits are used for medicines and foods that are super perishable. 

Cold bricks are larger ones. They’re literally bricks used to insulate the items, keeping them ice cold. 

Typically made from materials that are nontoxic, they’re made to stay much longer than a normal ice pack. 

Cold bricks are used to help with situations where maintaining consistently cold temperatures is very important.

Finally, we’ve got cold temperature tape, which seals the items that are cold. The tape is made for lower temperatures, so it’s perfect for shipping long distances. 

Cold temperature packaging is vital, and to keep items safe, you’ve got to use this tape whenever you can to preserve this overall freshness as well. 

Packaging the Launch Products 

It’s known by many that customers usually make the ideal decisions for their purchases in just a few moments. Snap judgements are done based on the presentation of products, whether it’s the messaging or their imagery style. 

Design for packaging is really important for product launches, as they capture the imagination that a customer will have right as launch occurs. 

This packaging plays a huge role in your brand overall, whether you’ve directly targeted the shelves in stores, are online through ads and sales, or even through launch events. 

Here, we’ll talk about how to make the best product launches, and how packaging contributes to this. 

Why Design Matters 

First, let’s talk about packaging design. 

The design of one’s package is basically the showcasing of products all to the world themselves. 

By refining this product again and again, over the months and years, you’ve chosen the correct launch channels, including email marketing, social media sites, and in-person events, and are totally ready to show the different benefits and features of the products. 

This launch messaging of your assets to the marketing channels are all there in preparation for the public themselves. 

With the launch party in place, you might think you have everything. But the packaging does need to make a launch successful, which we’re going to talk about right now. 

A lot of retailers like to show off the product, with the packaging being secondary, but if you don’t have good packaging from the get-go, you will indeed miss up the interests of customers. 

Packaging for Product Launches 

Some studies have found that the design of one’s packaging does directly influence the decisions that customers will make based on the visual cues of such. 

The purpose of this packaging isn’t just to keep the product in place, but to capture the buyer’s attention within the target audience, and to make sure that they consider buying these products. 

Some premium packaging and printing techniques that are applied to your packaging give them the instant appeal they need. 

Those include: 

  • Debossing 
  • Embossing 
  • UV coating 
  • Foil blocking 
  • Spot varnish 

Every single one of these can be used on boxes, and rigid boxes do take advantage of all of this. 

A good way to level up this aesthetic also means that you’ve got far more assets on hand when marketing products for launch. 

The packaging that’s there does establish the position of the brand in the market and is used to communicate the values of the brand. It helps with complex storytelling and gives customers a reason to buy into these brands. 

With the correct decisions, you’ll be able to incorporate unboxing experiences which are memorable. For many retailers online, it’s also the moment in which the customers you have do make a connection with the brand, and that’s special 

Speaking with packaging 

So yes, the first impressions count. 

A lot of failed campaigns that happen come down to the consumer not responding correctly, which causes emotional disconnect between the offerings, and what’s received. 

Here are some elements that you don’t want to miss with the packaging you have: 

  • The color because it gets the attention of shoppers, evoking emotion 
  • Fonts that are legible, sized appropriately, and also stand out. 
  • Imagery: telling the story through art and images 
  • Functionality, to make it accessible 

Follow these and see for yourself the difference the packaging makes on your launch. And of course, how these new, innovative changes are paving the way to higher sales and better connections with the customers you want as well.