Why Personalized Packaging offers Leveraging for Customization 

Personalized packaging is growing super popular these days. In our growing world, people want a personalized feeling to the items they get. It helps to foster a connection, and also makes them feel like they’re a part of the team.

Personalized packaging is great in modern consumer markets, especially those of a younger market. Here are some reasons why you should use personalization in your packaging solutions. 

Data-Driven Personalization 

There are so many unique ways to create a tailored packaging experience. The first place a lot of people look is the data. 

The right data really helps with getting a feel for customers. Surveys are a good place to start, but you can get digital printing in place for personalized packaging. You can take the customer’s name and put it on there, such as inside the box. Another example is adding a little note addressed to them, or maybe a freebie that resonates with what they’re buying. 

There are many different ways to make it personalized these days and with the rapid movement of smart technology, it’s become more commonplace than ever before. 

Why go Personal 

You might wonder if personalization really matters. The answer is of course, yes.

With personalization, it brings forth customer engagement, fostering more loyalty to the brand. Customers that are able to get something personalized from brands tend to feel more welcomed and valued than those that don’t.

The second one ties into unboxing experiences. When someone unboxes, giving them something more personalized with their packaging makes a huge difference. They’ll be more excited, and they’ll show off to their audience just how much you care. in general, it makes the unboxing experience soar, and even better for you. 

What Brands Use This? 

Well, there are a lot actually. We all know about the share a coke campaign in 2011, but there are other ones.

Heinz is another. They made a similar campaign, but with soup, where you can send soup to someone who is sick and they can print on the label “get well soon X” on it, and the customer fills this with random names. Heinz donated a portion of that money to children that were hospitalized, so it’s not only personalized, but goes to a good cause.

Frito-Lay is another, as they put faces on their packages. Bud Light uses football teams on their packages. Licious is a brand that prints the images of customers loyal to them. 

Finally, there is IPSY, which encourages customers to fill out a survey and then every single month, they send out five personalized sample products every single month to their customers, based on their needs. 

There are so many more, but we’re seeing as well that more brands are encouraging this. With the age of digital and smart packaging growing stronger, there’s a lot more that is going to come down the pipeline too.

How to Design This Packaging 

When going personalized, you should always try to have the goal of customers that are happy with the choices. Some customers may like it when you send little gifts and freebies. Try to make sure that you get a survey, or something else, that’s made with them in mind.

Make sure not to overdo it. a little here and there is good, but too many looks almost a bit tacky, which is what you don’t want.

Overall, when you go personalized, make it special. It’s a great way to stand out and here, we went over a few ways to make your packaging stand out and look magical for you.