If you find yourself debating between flow wrapping or overwrapping, you’re not alone. There was a lot less options, especially when it wsa just polypropylene, cellophane, or other flexible packaging. It was something that was always…so simple. yet now, there are different flow wrapping to try, and you may not be sure what to do.
We’ve compiled a means for you to look at all of the different ways of looking at it, and also, how you can decide whether you want to get flow wrappers, over wrappers, and also help you make the ideal decision that’s possible.
Flow Wrapping
Flow wrapping seems intimidating, simply because it’s complicated, requires specific equipment, and it may not work for you. But it’s a very straightforward process, and it’s something that’s properly wrangled as well. With this, you have to just do three little tasks:
- Fill a bag with the items
- Seal it
- Send it out
The packaging does offer consistency and protection, with good aesthetics as well. Flow wrapping oftentimes usually has polypropylene packaging which comes with this. This is oftentimes used for affiliate marketing, samples of product, coupons, different mailers, ice cream bars, candy, ice pops, baked goods, and small industrial items or medical devices.
The devices that are there come in various horizontal forms, seal and fill units, and different variants, and some also believe that they do offer servo motors as well. This also is something that may best fit the needs, depending on the product that’s there and the volume of what’s needed.
This is a bit more dynamic, as it can be a wrap cylinder that works with containers and cubic products, including boxes. This is used for wrapping different bundles, collation, and other aspects of this. It’s something that’s wrapped as they go down the conveyer belts that are there. They utilize cellophane and other kinds of films. The applications of this include boxed options including health and beauty items, produce, and tobacco. Overwraps also fit inside luxury packaging, and cosmetics too. This is something that’s largely dictated by different products, and also the volume of the items that’ll be repackaged.
What’s Best for you?
If you’re looking to figure out which one is best for you, the best way to figure this out is to answer some questions. If you’re going to pack tobacco products, then you’ll want to go with an overwrapped. For candy, then a flow wrapper is best for the needs.
If it’s produce, then you want to get an overwrapper to help with this one. If it’s magazines or something tha’ts made of paper, then a flow wrapper will offer your best needs. Finally, if boxes are the name of the game, and you want to fully wrap those, then yes, you can use an overwrapper to offer the best machinery that’s possible for your needs, offering a truly amazing, remarkable experience that you won’t be able to get enough of.
For a lot of people, getting overwrapping is a great way to boost your machinery, and also help you to get the best results that you can out of this.
If you need something new to help you get your wrapping to the level that you want, you’ll definitely want to make sure that you talk to a packaging facility, and to make sure that, if you’re someone who is dealing with that, that you figure out what’s best for your needs, and from there, choose the packaging that’s right for you, and to help you get the results you want with your packaging.