How Technology Enhances Health and Wellness Packaging 

Health and wellness is an industry that’s constantly changing. With new information that is coming down the pipeline, a lot of brands reflect this in the packaging that they have.

One way that this is changing is through the implementation of technology, in of course, the form of smart packaging. Smart packaging for health and wellness is vital for the companies that provide this.

This is because you’re able to integrate technology in order to provide safety regulations and real-time tracking of the items that are there. it in turn will enhance the safety that customers have when using the product, and also can offer tracking of various health statistics, and will also improve engagement.

Here, we’ll go over some of the unique technology utilized in smart packaging to provide customers with just this. 

Sensors for Freshness 

With wellness supplements, you need to stay on the ball regarding if they’re fresh enough to use or not. if they aren’t, they may not offer benefits. 

At worst, it might also cause you to have issues with the product and may cause health issues as a result.

Sensors are now being added to provide freshness indicators and will tell you exactly when the expiration dates are. Some of them offer real-time information on just how fresh the items are and offer real instructions on what to do if the item is not fresh anymore.

This is great, because it means you’re getting the best product possible, and allows you to keep track, so you’re not eating old and stale supplements. 

QR Codes 

Ahh QR codes. Some people love them, some people hate them. However, people like this because it will tell them so much. 

QR codes are little bar codes you can scan, that will take you to pretty much anything. wellness brands use these for usage instructions, and also important expiration dates to be mindful of. 

A lot of brands are using this, rather than littering the box with a bunch of information on directions. It looks cleaner, promotes a more minimalistic approach, and for customers that have trouble reading small lettering, this is better for them. 

NFC Tracking 

NFC Tracking is a wireless type of RFID that offers contactless communication. It means that you can track the location as well to provide security and data. 

Some fitness and medical brands use this with your information, connecting the product to your own personal health. In turn, it can offer data that will help you track not only your product, but also other health statistics as well. 


Similar to QR codes, this provides information for customers, and it can give them a hands-on approach to certain factors that will allow them to engage with the product.   

For instance, product instructions through AR technology get the customer involved, and by the end they will be able to know exactly how to use it.

Some use this for health tracking as well, which will in turn help with improving one’s own fitness. It’s crazy how nice this works for people! 

Overall, there’s a lot of benefits with technology being implemented into packaging. It helps to monitor the product integrity and gets more people involved. It can tell the customer in real time if there’s been tampering before you get this out of the box.

Bear in mind that this is expensive, so if you plan to implement this, be ready to adjust your budget and costs for the product, and also to offer the best usability for the customers that will be using these healthy products.